I have to say that my fav supply that I got was a freebie at the time, and one which has had me ordering religiously ever since, is the Bic White Out tape in the dispenser. I had seen it in other "deliveries" but this one works cause I can hold it like a pen, place it right where I want to start it, "highlight" the error or whatever with the whiteout tape and then lift and it breaks off nicely. Nice and neat. Really works for redacting materials, because I can take my copy, use this whiteout to redact, then photocopy for whomever needs the copy. No chance of bleedthrough or scratching it off or viewing it held up to the light... and neater looking than black marks all over a paper.
next to that... sticky notes are always fun. The colors, sizes, booklets, etc that you can get them in. Unfortunately, our office doesn't provide anything other than the standard yellow ones, so I buy my supplies at the local stores but try to do it during back-to-school sales and tax free weekends.