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Author Topic: Florida Outcome  (Read 6223 times)
Sr. Member
Posts: 420

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« on: March 20, 2001, 02:15:10 pm »

Your roots are great.  But that might not be what Mr. Bush has in mind.  And to be honest, religion and politics should never mix.  You probably have so much to gain from you religion, but it does nothing for me.  And if we're equal, I can't let my religion affect you and yours shouldn't affect me.  It's great that our president is a Christian, but what about all the US citizens who are  Catholic and Jewish and Muslim and Hindu and Buddhist and Taoist and Pagan and Wiccan and even those who worship Satan and don't believe in a god at all.  They should get equal consideration, as is afforded you and me.  Instead of going back and repeating history, which we've seen is a disaster, why not move forward and set down new roots as a country and society?  Instead of a melting pot where everything looks the same and is one bland flavor and color, let our counrty become a vibrand salad, all mixed together but each individual flavor and color coming out to announce itself in harmony with the rest?  Because to be honest, this country started off all half-a$$ed anyway.  It was begun by slave owners who wanted to be free.  And the original settlers were Puritans who wanted religious freedom, then began burning people they didn't like...getting rid of the undesireables (like Nazi Germany, yes?).  Granted, we've come along way since humans owning other humans, and burning them, and we need to keep moving forward.  Now THAT's true idealism.

And no, this is the only country I would live in because of the freedoms we have and it's the freedom that I have to say this that is most treasured by me.

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