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Author Topic: No Strong Opinions?  (Read 14285 times)
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Posts: 204

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« on: February 19, 2001, 12:22:59 pm »

As you say, it's a matter of conscience, and you cannot dictate morality or legislate conscience to particular ways of thinking, no matter how much special interest groups would like to have that happen.

Shall we go back to the days of third-floor walk-ups with folding operating tables and dirty surgical instruments?  Or do we give enough credit to the intelligence of each individual to seek out information and make up her mind regarding what is right and moral?  Again, no special interest groups should have enough power to intimidate and use scare tactics to force their opinions upon others.  There are those who would have women incarcerated or penalized in various ways because they smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol during pregnancy.  While neither of these habits are good practice during pregnancy, they are not illegal by today's laws.  There are many who would change that if they had the power.

I neither condone nor condemn abortion.  My viewpoints are my own and I do not allow any political party or special interest group or faction to dictate my thoughts or actions.  I truly believe that most of the informed, thinking population of the United States considers their civil liberties and freedoms every time special interest groups move toward limiting those liberties and freedoms, whether that involves abortion, gun control, Internet usage, regulation of alcohol and tobacco, and on and on and on.  

I make each decision in my life based on the situation, how it affects the people in my life, how it affects my environment, and according to my personal conscience, not someone else's.  However, I do not ever want to make the assumption that my viewpoint is right to the exclusion of the viewpoints of others.  I hope I will always feel that way.

Oh, and by the way, if you want to investigate a real "Reign of Terror", wander back to the late 60's and early 70's and visit the Nixon administration.  I was an adult and young mother at the time, and I still have trouble believing that nightmare occurred.  All those memoirs that were started in Federal prisons.  And the ending of the time where the media ignored the indiscretions of our elected and appointed officials.  Our country was changed forever, all because of one security guard who found a door taped open in an office building in the Watergate complex.  Amazing, isn't it, how circumstances turn on the smallest event?



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