« on: September 11, 2012, 01:53:27 pm » |
I still get goosebumps when I think of it.... and I found out about it right about this time, as it was happening... and because of my DD contacts! The other reason I get goosebumps? The way this online community pulled together as one and we all took account of where we were, who we knew from here that we hadn't heard from, and prayed together - each in their own way - for the safety of our "friends" whom we had never officially met but who we were still concerned for.
Last year my boys, along with a lot of other Scouts across the world, did a tribute of ringing the bells (church bells, VFW hall bells, any kind of bell) in a ceremony to honor those fallen and the survivors of 9-11 on the 10 yr anniversary. This year, we will be having a moment of silence to honor them.