« on: May 24, 2001, 02:41:50 pm » |
So, how is Mr. Pacino? I'm expecting, some day, an engagement brunch invitation to all of us . . .
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2001, 04:09:27 pm » |
He drives a white Jeep Cherokee. Keeps the ashtray full of one- and five-dollar bills to give to the squeegee guys and homeless people. Has a lovechild named Julie. He's been in AA since 1972. Has a preference for tall blondes. And, he hangs out in theater district restaurants when he's in NYC. And, he owns a house in northern NY. And, one of his co-stars, Penelope Ann Miller, got all gushy in an interview once and revealed that Al is, well, he's quite the love machine. (blush)
I used to go to NYC often at a previous job, and my Pursuit of Pacino was a source of constant amusement to many of my co-workers. they said i have elevated stalking to an art form. Yes, I have!
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2001, 04:33:49 pm » |
Ooooohhh La La! Sinatra Fan. I didn't realize you had such a smoldering, passionate, love machine desiring side to you. I bet you could show Mr. Pacino a good time in NYC!!
Here's hopin' Al bumps into Sal.
Go for it Sal!
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2001, 04:48:53 pm » |
Al's dad's name is Sal. Is that a sign from God or what?!?
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2001, 05:28:36 pm » |
It's like a little sign. It's meant to happen, Sal, I can feel it, too! Have you started planning the buffet menu yet? (I'm hoping that Al is not into steaks! <snicker>)
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2001, 05:30:41 pm » |
If Madonna can be stalked, I think it's very fine and thoughtful that someone thinks enough of Al to stalk him, too! I imagine you have countless scrapbooks and interesting daydream doodles in notebooks across the city during temp assignments.
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2001, 11:16:16 am » |
Hey Sal, my gal pal - Watching much football lately? My beloved Sens got blown out of the first round of the Stanley Cup playoffs. What a disappointment! Maybe too much stalking going on there.
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2001, 12:13:51 am » |
Ge, are you making light of Mission:Pacino?!! I won't have it! I tell you, this is serious business!!! My life's work.
Radar: Impending doom. Vikings owner, a Texan, keeps making loud (and suddenly louder), serious threats to move the team unless they get a new stadium. this would be devastating. Almost as bad as seeing Al Pacino hand-in=hand (or cheek-to-cheek) with a tall blonde.
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2001, 12:51:45 am » |
I feel your pain (kinda like chewing tinfoil)
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2001, 01:41:07 pm » |
I have nothing but the utmost respect for your labors and toils on behalf of Mission: Pacino, MsFan, and I would never make light of such diligent efforts as you have put forth. I pray that they come to fruition before he looks like Clint Eastwood! BWA HA HA HA I believe, though, that you have irresistible charms and an arsenal of tactics to achieve all! Go get'em. We're rooting for you - - not in any new stadium, though.
You know, if Mr. Texan could cough up a few more bucks, the stadium wouldn't be such an issue. I despise pro football for that reason. THEY'VE got all the money, why should I have to pay? Especially when our Guvnah has not revealed the rest of his mastermind plot for education. Phase I: take away money, is unimpressive at this point, but I'm not giving up hope yet. And, BTW, where is Mae Shunk in all this? Have not heard a word from her. (Have not been overly diligent in keeping up with my reading, though. I have to admit.)
I have a better idea, stop paying these athletes those outrageous salaries! $18m, $20m,...It's insanity!
I agree, they are paid way way too much money and some only know how to get into trouble with the law with all that money.
Hey Sal. Wear a bright colored flower in your hair so we'll recognize you when we see you in your candid shots with Al in the National Enquirer. Running out right now to check out the Enquirer . . . . . . .by the way . . . . . . are you a tall blonde?
Oh . . . and Sal, I bet you Frankie Boy would be spinning in his grave if he knew about your new obsession.
White Satin: I have always told my husband that I will leave him for one of two men--Sinatra or Pacino. (hubby ain't holding his breath) Since Sinatra has gone to that Big Mafia Meeting in the Sky, I have no other choice but to zero in on Al. Even though Al is gettin kinda weathered-looking (ala Clint), I gotta stand by my man (ala Tammy Wynette).
Football fever/I Got It Bad--When I see a fleet-footed wide receiver in a purple uniform streaking down the field and making a spectacular catch, I don't begrudge that guy or any of his teammates the millions that they make--even though many are convicted felons. If a guy has committed multiple homicides but can make a great football play, heck, I'm willing to let bygones be...
Where IS Mae STrunk, anyway? Maybe Jesse's got her in a hammerlock.