« on: August 29, 2006, 02:00:23 pm » |
You're not crazy! We're all different :-) HRT has been a godsend to me; I was getting a lot of pain in the long bones in my legs, that I put down to the resonant wooden flooring in the office I was working in. Wrong! After tests, my GP diagnosed osteoporosis and put me on max dose HRT (patches) and Vitamin C and D supplements, plus a regular impact exercise programme. I have regular bone mass tests, my scores are improving all the time and I'm pain-free. If you're post-menopausal, and have pain in your joints or long bones, then see your doctor, even if you don't have the hot flushes etc. HRT doesn't have to be the answer for osteoporosis, there are non-hormonal treatents.