« on: March 15, 2001, 01:11:21 am » |
I agree. I have two children in public school and I belive that we should all be informed about these issues so that we can teach our children to be aware and try to stay safe, but showing the coverage to the point that the shooters are made to look like "movie stars" is a bit much.
Just to tell you how much of an impression all of this has on our children, my daughter came home last week telling me about the "drill" they had at school that day. I thought she was talking about a tornado drill since we had recently had a tornado go through our community. When I questioned her about it, she said it was a "Code Red Drill". When the principal comes over the intercom and announces "Code Red", the teacher locks their classroom door and everyone is supposed to get on the floor away from the doors and windows and stay there until they get the all clear announcement from the principal. The really scary and sad part about daughter's only in first grade. It really scares me to think what she's going to have to go through for the next 12 years.