« Reply #30 on: September 11, 2001, 02:58:46 pm » |
I am sick, just sick over this. I've been in tears all day. I've finally had to walk away from the tv - because I am just so overwhelmed. We, as a nation, have all been affected. Whoever thought that something of this magnitude could happen here? My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone - as we are all victims. We (America) have lost our innocence and it is a black day. My heart is broken and I am at such loss - how do I explain this to my child? How do you tell your child that there are people in this world who can do something like this? I'm sorry to ramble - I am in such a state of shock.
Again - all TAAer's in the affected areas - please, please check in and let us know you are ok and know that you are all in my prayers.