Katie G
« on: September 19, 2001, 10:42:41 am » |
Great posts, everyone....but.....
If this were a corporation, that would be one thing, but we're a university, a damn big state one, and the "powers that be" are so far above my boss and I that going up the ladder of responsibility would be pointless. (One of the biggest offenders is my boss' boss, the assistant VP) I'd LOVE to see the corporate cards disappear and have them do stuff on their personal credit cards and get reimbursed. You can be sure there'd be no "lost" receipts then! But the reality is that simply isn't going to happen.
We also big enough that there's some confusion in other departments over who has actual signature authority here. Some depts seem to think that it's our assistant VP. It's NOT, but stuff is going through on his signature without us ever seeing it. I just found out that the printing department did a job for us on our AVP's signature that cost us a couple thousand dollars. I have NO PAPERWORK at all on this! Poof! another mystery charge on the cost report (and just try to get somebody to own up to it!)
Sorry for the rant. I'm just so frustrated with this whole mess...I've spent 5 days trying to reconcile this stuff and I'm getting nowhere. AND our NEW VP just went on a "thing" about "timely" accounting. It's like the story of Rumplestiltskin. I'm expected to make gold from straw, but this time there's no little man to help me out.
I'm also upset because we've got an office move coming up. Everything is being kept hush-hush (why?). I ask questions, I get told, "Don't worry about that" and the next thing I know somebody from the architect's office is calling ME about where a wall should go. It took every ounce of strength in me not to say, "How in the HELL should I know!?!"
You'd think I was the only support person in this office. I'm not. There are five others here but, in all blunt honesty, the majority of them are, well, "lightweights", so here I am doing the budget, organizing a move, and acting as a temporary HR person for the new VP, and the rest are, well, I'm not sure but we're talking about people who can make sending a fax an entire morning's work if you know what I mean. (Oh, and we all get paid the same.....)
It goes to show the reward for a job well done is more work!