I was surprised to received this today, so rang Fedex who tell me it is a new scam being sent round! Some people have no honour! I am really miffed now

Here it is, just don't do it!!!
I wish to inform that I have dropped your ATM MASTER CARD worth
$800,000 USD with FedEx Delivery Services. Insurance and delivery charges
have been paid for, but the only fee remaining is the security safe keeping
fee of $230 USD which you will be required to pay before delivery. I did this
because I was unable to make the funds transfer to your home account in
your country. I have Travelled out of Nigeria to Switzerland for a period of
4 months to see my boss
However, this was not paid for because of demurrage. Well, I did forward
them your delivery address, but a re-confirmation is important and when
contacting, I advise you quote the parcel and shipment code to them for
onward delivery to your re-confirmed address. The ATM MASTER CARD
has pin number 8876.
Forward the following when contacting FedEx Delivery Services
Your Name, Your Delivery Address, Your Phone Number and code below.
Find FedEx Contact Information Below:
Contact Officer: Mr. Fred Oliver
fedex.customerservice@live.com Phone: +234-55743130
Shipment Code: FED/00987-887641
Parcel Number: 9972201-003Regards,
to facilitate the conclusion of this transaction
if accepted.contact Mr Fred Oliver with the above e-mail.
Be informed,that this transaction is
completely risk free and legal in all ramification,
Mr. James Walter