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Author Topic: Retirement  (Read 4943 times)
susan silva
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« on: September 17, 2012, 05:08:02 pm »

Does your job have a retirement fund and/or are you taking steps for your golden years?  What do you do, if you dont have a fund?  Some admins live check to check, have you thought about retirement? 
Katie G
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« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2012, 06:12:40 pm »

I have a retirement plan through my workplace and the organization matches it 2:1.  I'd be a fool not to take advantage of it.  However, I "lost" 3 years trying to recover from the hit in the 2008 financial meltdown.  I must admit I'm a bit concerned that there will be enough there to produce sufficient income to live on when the time comes I'm forced to retire.  I also want to make sure we have the proper coverage in case one of us, heaven forbid, should need full-time nursing care.  DH has an IRA that we add to as we're able as well.  It's not much, but it's something.   We don't expect to stop working at 65, but rather plan on working as long as we're able to. 
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« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2012, 08:06:33 pm »

I have a 403(b) plus a pension plan at this company. Plus I have IRAs too from past 401(k)s.
Atlanta Z3
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« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2012, 09:47:07 pm »

I job hopped a bit and rolled the last 401k over into investment accounts.  When I didn't have access to 401K I set up direct deposits to the investment accounts and IRAs about 15 years ago.  Current company matches in 401k I match the % to match and have kept the deposits to the other funds.  Minimum put away was 10% but probably averaged to around 20% with true ups for IRAs.  Pay yourself first and with it coming directly out of checking account before bills I don't have it to spend or miss.  My goal is part time in five years, but like everyone else that hit in 2008 hurt.
We planned to have our house paid for by my hubbie's 50th birthday which we did, but then we went a bit over board with a kitchen /bath remodel, so we haven't been putting away the extra we would like to.
Not the way I wanted to gain retirement money but with the passing of my hubbie's mother that left us in a better position.  She had utilties stock that no one in the family is allowed to sell, but it looks good on the books!
My hubbie is on the computer every night looking at the funds - I call him the Quicken fiend!  He's been at his job 23 years and 401k plus pension the entire time - I guess for us the only two concerns on continuing level of insurance and being able to leave something for his daughter.
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« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2012, 02:17:53 am »

I have a pension from this co., it was frozen 3 yrs ago, but I will still receive a benefit.  Also have 401k.  Hubby has a retirement fund we rolled his stock into from a previous company.  Still worry about insurance when retirement rolls around.
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« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2012, 05:55:48 pm »

I have to say I'm blessed to be sitting in the situation I'm in... and all because of my husband.  He's been planning for retirement since we got married, almost 19 yrs ago, and so we are sitting pretty nicely.  I have a 401K type plan where my employer matches a set %, so I put that much or more in, hubby has the same thing, but then he also established IRA's for us and has been putting money in there almost every year of our 19 yrs, he's put money into the stock market for long-term planning, and then he's been putting in our savings.  He firmly believes in the "pay yourself first" methodology, and does so religiously.  We've taken a bit of a hit in the last 4 years, what with 2 kids in college, but that is settling down again and the youngest two will have college taken care of when it's their turn.  Since hubby was military, we have his retirement from that currently, along with the VA disability check, so we are able to sock more of our checks away and we've actively been discussing what we'll do, where we'll live, when we retire next.  This way he can start planning and ensure to the best of his ability that we have the required income for where/how we plan on living then.  Like he said, if we want to winter in Colorado, we might need to buy the Challet now and that way it's closer to being paid off when we get to retirement age and can use it.  Smiley  I have a feeling that if it had all been left up to me, I'd be looking around now trying to see what I could do and not be anywhere close to where he has us.  I love my husband, planner that he is!
Susan V
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« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2012, 04:57:46 pm »

CG, you threw me completely off with your comment about the two kids in college. I kept thinking "her boys are not college age", and then rereading your post. It finally dawned on me about your two older kids that I had forgetten about.

For retirement, I hope to have 20/25 years in a defined benifit plan through the local government. At this time they are thinking of chaning it to a not so great plan, so I have no idea what my retirement will be from them.

When I diviorced a few years back that took all my savings so I had to start rebuilding that again. Now, since I have not received child support for 2 yrs, what little I did have saved has been used up.

I've already warned my kids that I'm living with them when I'm old since they have drained all my money. LOL.

Really, it's not their fault that there were extensive medical bills this year, just bad timing.

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