« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2007, 03:55:21 pm » |
With that kind of winnings, no! Heck no and that would be a NO to going back to work. I may give notice, and find something else that I am willing to do that I am more passionate about than that of Secretarial life. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy it, but, there are other things I enjoy more. More recently pumpkin growing, and that certainly would afford me more time to spend out in the patch and take care of those giants properly! LOL! After that, I certainly would travel and do just what she is doing. She may find she won't have the flexibility of time that she would like to do some of those things, so she may eventually end up leaving. Would be curious to hear if she does. Good for her! Diamondlady Peer Moderator 
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2007, 08:01:20 pm » |
Pro Pumpkin Growing! I like it! You know, even if I won I would keep doing what I am doing. I love this job. Well I think I would, possibly the lure of traveling would get me. hmm get the best laptop, the best cell phone and work around the world! So fun to dream!
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2007, 12:51:53 am » |
Not me! If I won the lotto I'd be outta here faster than you can say "Where are my windows?"  I'd probably end up doing a little "admin" work at home, though, managing my winnings and helping DH with his film project. But I'd spend more time traveling and writing music.
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2007, 07:58:10 am » |
I'd probably not stay working here, but I'd need to do something as I have a very active mind and just about survived being a stay at home mum when my kids where born. I'd love to start up on my own so I'd probably do that  I'd need some time off regardless though, building my new house, jet setting round the world, organising countless shopping trips ....... eugh ... sounds like my personal hell. No, would definitely need to do something constructive. Callie
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2007, 03:45:01 pm » |
I'd be out of here so fast your head would spin!!!!
I would then set up charitable foundations and do work/volunteer things that I am passionate about.
Atlanta Z3
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2007, 06:23:27 pm » |
I would go back to school full time for as many years as I could find classes that I want to take (not algebra!) and travel (online classes). Why would anyone who wins that much money continue to work? I honestly like my job, but if I didn't have to work I would not.
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2007, 11:02:12 pm » |
I'll be the weird one, I would stay at my job. I have the job I do because I love the work I do, the company I work for and enjoy working with my boss. I might take some time off to travel a bit but I wouldn't want to leave my job.
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2007, 01:50:54 pm » |
Nice to see I'm not the only sad and strange person here - I'd probably keep working too. I love the industry I'm in, and the person I work for is so cool that I don't think I could give it up. Of course, I'd maybe only work part time and take lots of holidays!
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2007, 04:09:09 pm » |
Crikey! With that kind of money she could probably buy the company she's working for!!
Much as I love my job, I think I'd be out of here in a heartbeat and let someone else who needs a job have it.
I'd travel, and visit all the places I've always wanted to see but couldn't afford (just read the post about the Alaskan Cruise - love to do that but would *really* love to do an Antarctic Cruise ...) and go back to all the places I've enjoyed.
And I'd pay off all my family members' mortgages, set trust funds up for my nieces & nephews - oh, all sorts of things!
which just reminds me to get my lottery ticket for this weekend!
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2007, 05:07:18 pm » |
Well it certainly makes a huge difference if you love the job you are in (which currently I do not).  Marie
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2007, 08:04:11 pm » |
I bought 2 tickets for our 'Super Raffle' lottery here in Michigan, so I'm hoping I'll be able to seriously ask the question of whether to stay or not!
It's a hard question to answer in my opinion... I like to stay busy, but I miss out on a lot of things having to be here 8 hrs a day. And probably since I've always been a penny pincher... I immediately worry about that if I wasn't working, I'd have to pay for health insurance for the family. If I won a couple million, it would stand to reason that it wouldn't matter that I'd need to pay for it... I dunno, can see it from both sides. Perhaps I will have to decide :::crossing fingers, toes, eyes:::
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2007, 06:50:44 pm » |
I would quit TODAY and change my home phone number so they couldn't call and ask me questions!
However, I would definitely volunteer and possibly work part-time teaching, something I did when I was younger. I miss that, but the work doesn't pay enough for me to do it now.
« Reply #13 on: November 25, 2007, 01:19:55 am » |
I'd keep working for awhile. Probably would not tell anyone I won.
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2008, 07:35:38 pm » |
I would definately quit my job but give some notice first. Although I love it here, I would first get out of debt, go back to school to become a nurse (or something else in the medical field or maybe open my own daycare in my new house I would build) and work at a job that would make me happy.