« on: February 07, 2001, 01:56:21 am » |
It's another symptom of the society we've created where someone else must be blamed whenever something bad happens to us. We've become a culture of victims - the "someone has to pay" syndrome!! There is no personal responsibility, nothing ever just happens for no reason, and no one makes bad choices in their lives - they are all victims who cannot be blamed for lashing out - after all, it's not their fault, or so goes the liberal litany.
It seems to me that workplace violence, road rage, and a lot of teen-age violence are all symptoms of the same thing - our society has legislated away the majority of our liberties, and passed so many laws that affect every aspect of our lives, not to mention taxing working people to death, that people feel they have lost any control over their own lives so they must blame others. People are so frustrated today - we are told what we cannot do, what we cannot say, what we can or cannot put in our bodies, who we must hire or rent to, who we cannot fire or evict unless we want a lawsuit, the list just goes on and on. Only teenagers have any excuse - they are caught in a no-man's land created for them by adults - without the privileges of adulthood OR the protections of childhood (notice how many are being charged and sentenced as adults, before they are even old enough to drive a car) - it's no wonder they're violent.
And this guy in Chicago - they will portray him as a victim - even though he was fired for cause - STEALING!