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Author Topic: I.C.E.  (Read 2117 times)
Posts: 17

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« on: July 25, 2005, 09:23:30 pm »

Don’t know if this is true or not, but thought it was interesting

Consider this excellent idea for you and your families, as the note says "ICE"....

Subject: In Case of Emergency (ICE)

Following the London bombing, an English Ambulance Service have launched an international "In Case of Emergency ( ICE ) campaign", as they have discovered that at almost every accident scene there is a working mobile/cell phone on the victim(s).

The idea is that you store the word " I C E " in your mobile/cell phone address book, and against it enter the number of the person you would want to be contacted "In Case of Emergency".

In an emergency situation ambulance. paramedic, police and/or hospital staff will then be able to quickly find out who your next of kin are and be able to contact them. It's so simple that everyone can do it. Please do it now.

Please will you also email this to everybody in your address book, it won't take too many 'forwards' before everybody will know about this. It really could save your life, or put a loved one's mind at rest.

For more than one contact name ICE 1, ICE 2, ICE 3  etc

Hero Member
Posts: 5689

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« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2005, 08:50:55 am »

Yes - we have seen this already in the UK.


Full Member
Posts: 145

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« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2005, 03:51:55 pm »

This emails been making its rounds for a little bit now.

Another idea that was brought up to me years ago and I've done - is if you have a child that is in a car seat.  On the back of the car seat tape a piece of paper with the child's name, age, person to contact, and any immediate pertinent information (allergies, medical info).  In a worse case scenerio, and there's an car accident where there are serious injuries - information is there for paramedics, police, etc.

When I was a military wife, I was often traveling long distances with just the kids and was always worried about 'just in case' situations.


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