I will occasionally if bossie is extremely busy and can't get time away enough to take that short break for a cup of tea, coffee, or water even. I don't mind at all as it doesn't happen very often.
Visitors if there is more than one is usually handeled in our conference room and that has thermoses to keep everyone happy if there are groups of people involved. If it applies to my group I have no problems providing it, however, there is another secretary who is in charge of the conference room so she usually handles that for us.
We have a coffee service that I am in charge of ordering supplies for. Not a problem, it's a once a week call and they ask how are supplies are and I fill the basket of goodies by the coffee pot. We have regular tea, decaf tea, hot chocolate, and the sweet n low, and equal in a little basket along with the stir sticks of course. They are spoiled on "real" cream instead of the powdered stuff; however, I do keep both in stock as some people prefer one to the other. We have a budget of x amount of dollar per year and they just lowered it as I have been doing fairly well ordering all the supplies and saving money in the last year.
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