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Author Topic: Need a place to vent  (Read 25281 times)
Posts: 32

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« on: July 09, 2012, 05:13:37 am »

It is Sunday night and I have my weekly dread to go to work.  My stomach starts feeling bad, my head starts to hurt and I just dread tomorrow.  (that is an understatement, I can't put in words my heavy feeling of.. I have to do this again over and over???)  It is like this every week.  I have had this job for just over 6 months and it doesnt get better.  I only hate it more and more, my professional self esteem goes down more and more.  It is a dead end job with no placed to go, if anything my skills are regressing and my co workers are very selfish and into anything for their own benefit and will throw each other under the bus (including me).  I have never been so un happy in my life and it is affecting all aspects of my life.  A year ago I was in a much happier place in my life and realize I am not.   Only "I" can make a change, but I can't afford to quit, I have been on three interviews with no luck.  Every Sunday I just get so down I can cry for just not wanting to be where I am right now.  I am usually such the glass is half full type of personality.  I really feel this job is going to get me sick in the long run if I don't find something new, but I look and look and nothing.  I am at wit's end.  Only I can do something, I just don't know what.  I feel like I am sucker punched in the stomach every Sunday.  Time to put my false face of happy happy joy joy, everything is good to the world and muddle through another week of stress. 
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« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2012, 08:03:26 am »

Becky, my heart goes out to you!  I really feel your pain!
I cannot recommend what you should do in this circumstance because while my head says stick with it, but don't let this situation impact on your public persona that you will have to use in your new job search, my heart says get the flock out of there ... now!
Big cyber-hug!  I will be thinking of you!

Jess  Cry
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« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2012, 12:09:05 pm »

Becky- really sorry to read how unhappy you are at work.  Like you, I have known for a long time that I have been in the wrong job with people who are not nice and I asked my manager if I could transfer to another department which I am doing very soon.  Is this something that you could consider?   I do believe that we have to follow our heart and life is too short to be unhappy.  We spend a long time at work and when we are unhappy at  work it affects our personal life.  I wish you luck with looking for something better that fulfils you. 
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« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2012, 03:56:53 pm »

What an awful circumstance to be in. Do keep your chin up though. Something better will come along.
Atlanta Z3
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« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2012, 05:25:37 pm »

I know right now this is awlful, but this to shall pass.  Do some little thing just for yourself or please find something to laugh about today.  If not fake it until you make it. Sending hugs~
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« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2012, 03:08:27 pm »

My heart goes out to you Becky!!!  I will think on your predicament and see what suggestions/recommendations I may be able to make, but I'm sure you've already thought of most of them and are muddling through the best you can.  Chin up and stay professional!
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« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2012, 07:48:49 pm »

Becky - sorry you are going through this.  But it will end.  For 12 months a few years ago I hated the job I was in but was unable to find another.  I used to get so stressed.  I would park outside where I worked in the car park and just sit there, steeling myself to go in.  Everything was wrong about this job but it dragged on.  But, and it took me a long time, I chipped away at finding something else, I joined agencies, looked at job ads in papers, asked  everyone I knew to keep an eye out for jobs for me, i sent off my CV with covering letter to companies I wanted to work for but who were not advertising. 

I think that even tho I knew I was unhappy at work, like you, I knew nothing would change unless I made it happen. And I did feel better knowing that I was being active in trying to make it happen.  This activity also kept my mind focussed as I did not want to get so down and depressed that I was missing opportunities.

Is there any chance for working in other departments that might be better than where you are? Is there any projects that you could volunteer to take on to make the daily grind a bit more bearable?

I was eventually successful in securing another position via an agency but if that had not come up, I was talking to agancies about long term temp bookings which I would have moved into if other permanent did not come up.

You must stay positive and upbeat even if you have to pretend to be so when the  interviews do come in, you are ready and shine.
Good luck - keep on plugging away.  When you do finally find a job where you are happy, you will look back on this and realise it may have taught you something. 
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« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2012, 01:29:20 am »

Think positive and stay positive.  It is to your benefit.  Although it is difficult, dig deep down and take a breath.  Tell yourself this is temporary, just a steeping stone and your dream job is waiting just around the corner.  Keep working with various agencies and networking.  The right opportunity will present itself.  In the meantime, enjoy the ride, enjoy the paycheck and Bloom Where You Are Planted until the winds of change transplant you.
Don't let the negativity and pettiness suck you in.

Keep us posted and good luck!
Chatham Lady
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« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2012, 01:59:38 pm »

Hi Becky - How's your week been?  Have you got some things planned for the weekend so you can chill out and relax?  I've not got a lot of much better advice to given than what's already been said, but will send you some virtual hugs to keep you going.

Take care of yourself.
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« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2012, 05:54:14 am »

Last week one person was out on vacation.  She is always the world hates me, doom and gloom, so it was a nice break.    I really do try to be optimistic, it is hard but even though I dread and dont want to just go in everyday, when there I do try to be cheerful and helpful.  I like to think positive thinking is contagious, the problem is that all the negative energy is MORE contagious :-p.  I think I want to strike out on my own.  Not "virtual assistant," like projects, reports but find 3 to 4 companies to partner with and concentrate on their social media.  Not just posting updates but working with their marketing/sales to achieve results.   We have alot of start ups in the area, that maybe a niche to contact.   HOW to do this, or even HOW to start is still a question.   At least it gives me something to strive for.   I am a single mom so can't really just up and quit so this will be a slow process.   We shall see how it works out.

Thanks for all the positive thoughts.
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« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2012, 12:59:59 am »

Don't let the kudzu envelope you.  Stay positive.  It will be to your benefit.
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« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2012, 04:34:26 am »

Thank you to all who listen to what I consider whining.  I am usually the glass is half full.   It is not better, actually this stupid job made me have to get out and just .. cry at lunch.  I have never had a job that made me cry.  It is a do as I say, not as I do environment.  I have to do one thing, and was told "everyone does this" where NO one does.  I can't explain here, but it is just so unethical!  I applied for 4 jobs on Monday, and Tuesday morning already two rejections.  I think  they were automated because I don't have a college degree so the application process automatically rejects you (which is so unfair I have years of experience)  It was from the same program and had the same wording and format.   I wish I had money and could just quit... walk out... forget my ethics.  Then they would see just how much I do and how much extra effort I put in.  I am not sure there are as many stupid people like me that work from 7 am until 6  pm with no OT, most days no lunch just to keep up  (and I don't work slow.. or i don't think so, they have me second guessing my abilities)

So tired...
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« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2012, 08:54:43 am »

Becky.  You are not alone.  I do it.  A colleague of mine does it too (and I am guessing we have combined work experience of approximately 50+ years - some people never learn!).

As for me, I lurve my job so much I am emigrating (sounds like a joke - added bonus - but in reality it is true!)

Keep your chin up and if you are in London, you can have my job!  Cheesy
Jackie G
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« Reply #13 on: September 05, 2012, 12:16:57 pm »

Becky and Jess

You must take a break for something, even a quick bite to eat - if you keel over, your employers will have more than trouble on their hands!

But Becky, it doesn't sound great for you.  Can you manage to find some agencies to talk to about your qualification through experience rather than on paper?

I think most employers would struggle if we ended up doing the hours we're actually contracted to work, rather than those we actually do.

Jess, any progress with remote working?!
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« Reply #14 on: September 05, 2012, 02:08:31 pm »


I have some work lined up already, not a lot but it is a start.

Also lots more ideas  Undecided  plus the current encombants reckon they will fall apart within the month, so fingers crossed.

Only 2.5 days left till I leave this circus to start my own proper!  Cheesy On Saturday, I leave the country (not this website though!)  Grin

Becky, KBO, m'dear, KBO! (Winston Churchill to the Doctor from the last season, possibly the season before that though!)

JEss  Cheesy

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