« Reply #15 on: February 19, 2001, 07:00:48 pm » |
One thing you might consider if we have future discussions is that I do not label others and do not like to be labeled. I have no party affiliation because they are ridiculous. No one party can encompass the true feelings of a thinking individual.
Yes, right, I'm a democrat. (Just so there's no misunderstanding, that was sarcasm.) That's why I don't believe in gun control and I do believe in capital punishment. Just because I did not attack Clinton and did point out the many flaws of the Nixon administration does not mean I am swayed by the left or the right. Again, I make up my own mind. I just used Nixon's era because it's so easy to come up with so many things that were wrong. I could just as easily have used LBJ or JFK or DDE. Generalization and pigeon-holing is dangerous and unproductive in any debate.
And you hardly pushed a button. I don't know why you consider my remarks as being a reaction to button pushing. I spoke my mind, that's all. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I will be the first to jump up and defend that - - you better believe it! I don't agree with your rationalizations, but that does not mean I am overreacting. That is what is dangerous about this type of discussion by e-mail or Internet postings - - so much is lost from not having voice inflection to gauge a person's tone. (Note to Andrea - maybe your first impulse was right in that discussion we had a while back - - maybe TAA is not the place for this type of forum?)
Please . . . no labels. I don't like labels on anything except my Tupperware. That's where they belong.