Katie G
« on: May 21, 2014, 08:41:34 pm » |
I'm probably paid a little bit above average for my area, but it's not keeping up with the cost of living, particularly since my health insurance contribution went up by about 30% (after a similar jump last year - we're now at $370 a month!) and our local taxes are going up again. The house budget has been trimmed to gas, groceries, prescriptions and utilities.
I don't mean to sound bitter, but I've just sat through another half-a$$ed promise of a review of my position and a raise/promotion, but they've been making that promise for years now, and despite stellar reviews and going above and beyond, it never happens.
I wouldn't feel so disgusted if it weren't for the fact that they've given a third promotion to the person who's only been here 18 months and continually makes a mess out of everything with his bull in a china shop tactics - and doesn't learn from the mistakes! He's cost the department thousands of dollars in wild goose chases, nearly landed us in legal trouble for making promises he had no business making -- and HE gets three (substantial) promotions. Someone explain this to me?!