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Author Topic: When it comes down to it, how united are we really?  (Read 4626 times)
Posts: 37

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« on: September 26, 2001, 07:40:16 pm »

With the events of September 11 a couple of weeks behind us, there certainly are a lot of heroes -- all of those who have taken the time to help those in need after this tragedy, whether it be those who have lost their lives in trying to save someone else, those who have given blood, those who have given financial support, those who have spent hours at ground zero looking for survivors, etc.  

What about the people who were trying to get out of the building who may have been disabled or whatever and all the people who went right past them and didn't help in any way?  I don't know exactly what I would do in such a situation but if I saw someone in need trying to get out and they were having problems, I would try to help.  What would you do?

I see the sudden surge in patriotism but how united are we Americans?  I saw the long lines at the gas pumps on September 11 and the way people acted.  They wanted as much gas as they could get their hands with no regard for anyone else.  Police had to be called to a couple stations because some people couldn't get their way.

There are many people who are caring about their fellow man and they came out in this time of need.  Unfortunately, there are also many who are not.  Many incidents of hate against different races.  So many people out there hung up on material possessions: huge expensive SUVs, boats, huge houses, huge televisions, etc.  It's sad.  

We need to remain positive in the light of all the bad things happening in this world.  If/when something worse happens, I would hope that more and more people see the light of what life is really all about and react accordingly.

Just my thoughts on this mid-week evening working late...  
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Posts: 208

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« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2001, 09:02:47 am »

In defense of the people trying to escape, they DID help carry disabled people down the stairs.  I listened to several interviews from disabled people on wheel chairs, crutches, and so forth tell wonderful stories on how they were picked up by passers-by and carried down (insert number of flights here) to safety.  

Yes it is very unfortunate that some of American citizens chose this opportunity as one to take advantage the worried and grief-stricken, but this is only a small percentage of the people here.  As far as the gas is concerned, it is a natural response to crisis.  Instinctual, we must take care of ourselves, then take care of others.  At that moment, life in this country was uncertain.  

The scenarios that ran through our heads ranged from thinking this was a one time threat to martial law and rationing.  AND if this becomes the long drawn out war like Bush says, rationing could very well be likely.  If you didn't know what was going to happen, and things looked pretty bleak, you would rush and buy your supplies now rather than later.  It's the instinct that we were blessed with.  

People who jacked up gas prices help fuel this fear, and that is why they did it.  To scare people into thinking that gas was scarce.  They should be ashamed of themselves.  

There will always be people like that, and people who rush out and try to score everything they can before there is nothing left.  But that is just a few representative of this country.  I think the rest of us are united and should be given props for that.  I think that the best way to deter such idiots it to not play into their game.  When someone says we had better go to the store and stock up on supplies, reply by saying "What ever for?  I'm confident that our country will do just fine without hoarding everything in sight."  When someone jacks up the price, go down the street where it's cheaper.  Do not give the store your business.  This is how you can help.  To sit around and complain (not saying that's what you are doing, but to people in general) is to help these jerks get what they want.

Ellen (my $2) in TX

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