While I did not make a conscious decision at any time to be an Executive Assistant, (previous Executive Secretary, previous Office Manager) I can say that I am very happy that I seem to have fallen into a position that I enjoy, and working with great people. I have made it to a place where I now can not only do the job, I can also make an impact on raising the bar of professionalism of the administrative staff.

After close to 30 years(yes, I started as a child - NOT

) in a support position (with some years off for motherhood - AND talk about being in a support position ! !) I have see it all, done it all, have enjoyed most of it and it has been a great hands on classroom of life. Some of the earlier positions I had were wonderful training and could be seen as stepping stones. Even the company where I am now, coming in as the new person 3.5 years ago, the position I had turned out to be the stepping stone (with multiple steps along the way - different bosses, different responsibilities) that got me to the Exec. Assistant for the President/CEO.

My natural ability to organize, multi-task and keep track of things and people have enabled me to take on positions that I have enjoyed and been able to have fun doing rather than just having a job to do 8 hours a day.
I guess you can count me in as a lifer......probably got another 12-15 years in me. Meanwhile I am going to be the best support, encourager person I can be....and also remember to take time off for me so I can come back re-energized.
