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Author Topic: School Shootings  (Read 5525 times)
Posts: 33

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« on: March 16, 2001, 05:53:05 pm »

Just a couple of days ago, I received a letter from my son's school district about an incident that happened at our high school (this is the same school that I graduated from about 15 years ago).  

One of the students had a gun in his possession and was talking with other students about his intentions with his gun.  Thank goodness, an adult heard the conversation and called the school district and the students were smart enough to call the school district and the student was taken out of the school and was proscecuted.  The student now is on probation from school until an investigation and hearing is complete (I assume that means he will not be allowed in the school until at least the end of the school year).

It scares me a lot to think that in my neighborhood their would be a student "stupid" enough to try something like bringing a gun to school.  

We have been talking with our 8 year old son since the shootings were televised and he was in school about violence and what he should do if he ever hears another kid talking about such violence.  He said he understood what I said but I was not sure until one day he came home from school so proud of himself.  He told me that another kid on his bus was talking about hurting someone and talking about fighting and that he had guns at home, etc.  My son and 2 other kids on the bus heard his whole conversation and went to the principals office and told her the whole story.  The kid was sent home and was not allowed back until he got some help (not sure of what that was though).  I was so proud of him for standing up and letting an adult know of a bad situation.

I could go on and on with this subject but I must stop.

njadmin (Susan)


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