« on: July 11, 2007, 02:41:59 am » |
I disagree... All of my mom's family is shorter than my sister and I, and I'm taller than my mom by a good 5 inches, so we're not talking just a small difference. And my Grandma and Grandpa on both sides of the family were shorter than their kids, who all had taller kids, who are having still taller kids. I'm 5'7", and Tanner (my 3 year old) is already up to my waist, in the highest heigth group at his well-baby appts, and Justin (the 2 year old) is even taller than Tanner was at the same age.
Perhaps it depends on the cultural background of all the folks that you look into.
Anyway... that's my thoughts.
CountriGal Peer Moderator