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Author Topic: Environment vs. consumption and convenience  (Read 24139 times)
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« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2005, 06:12:15 pm »

Ours went down from a peak at 3.49/gallon before labor day down to 3.29 and 3.19 per gallon come Tuesday after Labor Day.  Talk about price gouging for the Labor Day holiday, as if it wasn't bad enough with the Hurricane in there, they certainly took advantage of the situation.  That's not right!  

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« Reply #16 on: September 09, 2005, 02:36:07 pm »

Never in a million years would I have thought I would cheer to be able to pay "only" $2.65 per gallon, but boy, was I celebrating last night when I filled up!

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« Reply #17 on: September 09, 2005, 04:25:04 pm »

So far I've been lucky and not had to pay more than $2.78 /gal for gas.  It has been as high as $2.99/gal for regular unleaded (and goes up from there for the 'better' gas), but one of the gas stations on my way home had it for $2.56 up till they ran out.  Now, for the past week, the gas at the other local stations on my way home (which are the cheapest in the area) have gas for $2.78/gal, if they still have gas.  A number of gas stations have run out of gas, and have been out for 3-5 days now, with no assurances of when they'll get their next load in.

Did many of you see the made-for-tv-movie "Oil Storm"?  I think a lot of the panic with gas prices and such is because of the coincidence of what the context was of that movie and the reality of Hurricane Katrina.  And because we get our gas from the fields in Mississippi and Louisianna, here in the south, specifically AL, we are running out of gas and hoping to be able to get some from some of the other gas pipelines (ie: TX) before it becomes critical.  Heaven knows I'm not letting my van fall below 3/4 of a tank of gas, a) because it's cheaper to only put 1/4 tank of gas in (approx $20.00 a fill-up) but also b) because who knows when we'll be short on gas at all the stations and I'll need to be able to not fill up for a while.  Oh, and some of our gas stations are limiting the amount of gas you can buy at one time.  The worst is the gas station on the military base.  There, you're limited to $15.00 of gas at any one time, because they were the first ones to run out and have been getting gas from other military installations (those shipments redirected to us here) in order to continue to be able to offer any at all.  So that's yet another reason to keep my gas tank as full as possible.

Here's hoping that things start improving in the next couple of weeks, else I may just have to walk...  Wonder how long it'd take to walk from home to the office, if it's a 30 minute car ride... Hmmm....
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Edited by countrigal on 09/09/05 04:28 PM.

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« Reply #18 on: September 13, 2005, 10:05:55 am »

I think its really sad and unnerving that - over the years loads of inventors have come up with many substitutes for petrol and gas, for transport and for other areas in which we over consume polutive and limited natural resources; but EVERY TIME THEY DO, the big oil companies have bought up the idea, thus offering consumers no alternative but to buy their oil and gas... And now that its comming to crunch point, they may well sell those ideas back to us at a massively increased price.

My family lives right next to this eco friendly selfsustainable housing complex called the Hockerton Housing Project, so i know quite a bit about stuff like this. Check out their web site to see how were all going to be living in years to come...

..Electric cars, bikes and wind turbines ahoy!!!

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« Reply #19 on: September 14, 2005, 09:30:04 pm »

I would like to be able to walk or bike everywhere. I read yesterday that most car trips are under 6 miles--"within easy walking or biking distance." Well, yes, if you have all the time in the world, but a six-mile walk isn't a quick thing, and if it's six miles EACH WAY? A 12-mile RT bicycle trip, yes, but carrying three bags of groceries? How practical is it?

I have a supermarket within a 20-minute walk. It's overpriced and has bad produce, but I do walk down there if I run out of something during the week. There's a drugstore in the same complex, and I walk there. Our nearest library branch is 20 minutes the other way; I walk there once a week, often with my son. But if I need to go to the drugstore and the library in the same evening? That's 80 minutes of walking, not counting the time spent inside each place--I don't know about everyone else here, but I just don't have 80 extra minutes most days. I'd love to live somewhere less inconvenient!

Five miles to work, five miles the other direction to my son's school--no way could any of us walk or even ride a bike through the busy, dangerous traffic on multi-lane highways to get to those destinations. And think of it--we rejected moving to the San Diego area because our commutes would have been too long!

I live in the northern US, and between November and March, any kind of walking is iffy. People don't shovel their sidewalks, or they do but melting and refreezing makes walking a heck of a hazard.

This bothers me. I want to do better, but I can't...

Jackie G
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« Reply #20 on: September 14, 2005, 10:52:05 pm »

I don't know Dettu, you sound like you're doing a lot of walking, and doing your bit.

I live at the top of a hill and there are (overpriced) shops at the foot of it - it's about a 10 min walk downhill and about a 30 minute walk uphill (I haven't done it in a long long time) so it's not something I would think about.  And actually I really don't use any of the shops at the foot of the hill, except maybe the chemist when I need a prescription filled, although I am usually doing that on my way home - in the car - from the doctor!

I do try, though, to join up everything I want to do when I'm out so that it's an effective journey.

Jackie, Peer Moderator
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« Reply #21 on: September 15, 2005, 08:49:25 am »

This week I have been walking to work and I am loving it - its half an hour each way and by the time I get to the office I feel wide awake.

My car is sick at the moment hencing the walking, but I have come to the conclusion I could probably live without a car.  Have some small local shops near by, if I needed to go into town there is always the bus, big supermarket shops can be done online.  The snags I would have is getting the dog to the vets or possibly me to the Dentist or Doctors, but saying that Dentist is 30 mins away by car but as I can get evening appointments and possibly get the train it wouldn't be that bad I suppose.  Doctors is about 3/4 hour from home - but appointments tend to be during work time so I ended up having to take time off which I would rather try and avoid.   The biggest problem would be getting to see some friends where public transport is not an option.

So, the price of fuel is appauling but I am not that bothered - I can live without in theory - but do I take the plung and get shot of car for good!

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« Reply #22 on: September 15, 2005, 11:01:36 am »

One other consideration - how about personal safety?  Although my route to work is well served by public transport, there are rural bits nearby which aren't, and walking those roads in the dark would be risky.

I do walk about a mile in and out in the morning - I park outside the city walls and then walk to the office.  It's very satisfying to go sailing past tailbacks!  

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« Reply #23 on: September 15, 2005, 02:42:17 pm »

I work over an hour away from home - almost all expressway driving.  Absolutely no chance of walking.  My employer is 54 miles, one way, by car.   I was thrilled to receive a large increase recently, unfortunately most of it is going for oil changes and gas.   That said, I am grateful to have a job to go to every day, belive me!

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« Reply #24 on: September 15, 2005, 06:33:30 pm »

cozwaz, you could do what my husband used to do way back before we were married. He had moved to our town from a large city where nobody needed a car, and he didn't want to buy one. A few times per year he would rent a car and do all the necessary errands, go to visit friends, etc. while he had it--so you could schedule doctor, dentist, visits to friends and so on all in a few days' time.

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« Reply #25 on: September 16, 2005, 12:51:08 am »

Our gas prices are slowly going down.  Hubby saw 2.99 per gallon which is way down from a week ago at 3.49 per gallon, so what does that tell you, sever price gouging going on here.  I'm glad it's FINALLY coming down.  Hopefully it will stay in the 2.00 range for a while.

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Jackie G
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« Reply #26 on: September 16, 2005, 09:15:18 am »

And two major supermarkets here in the UK are lowering their prices now by 3-4p.  You know what, we're all mugs for paying the inflated prices, because that's all they were - artificially inflated by the retailers in their PANIC about getting further supplies.

It's not on.  Time we stood up to them.

Jackie, Peer Moderator
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« Reply #27 on: September 16, 2005, 10:06:10 am »

I know great news!  I get my petrol at Tesco so must check out what the prices are now.


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« Reply #28 on: September 16, 2005, 02:32:15 pm »

On Monday, I saw gas prices of $2.75 at several gas stations... On Wednesday it was down to $2.65 at those stations, and yesterday it was down to $2.63/gal.  Wonder what it'll be this afternoon?  Makes me wonder when I should fill up... Like, if I wait another day, will it be cheaper?  Or will the price go up again?  Should I wait a couple of days?  Or should I fill up today, and then again tomorrow, if the price goes down, and again...and again....    It's gotten to where even just filling up the van with gas is a gambling game.

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« Reply #29 on: September 16, 2005, 05:08:18 pm »


I wondered the exact same thing last night when I filled up!

"Wonder what it'll be this afternoon? Makes me wonder when I should fill up... Like, if I wait another day, will it be cheaper? Or will the price go up again? Should I wait a couple of days? Or should I fill up today, and then again tomorrow, if the price goes down, and again...and again.... "

Usually weekends are higher out here though. Our prices are still at $3.02-$3.11 for unleaded regular. $50 to fill up my car now! If I'm careful, it can last exactly a week. I remember only budgeting $100/month for gas - and I thought that was high.



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