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Author Topic: Week of February 2nd-Dishonest Coworkers?  (Read 34866 times)
Sr. Member
Posts: 439

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« on: February 06, 2004, 03:43:13 pm »

Reminds me of a co-worker I had; husband had psychiatric problems, and we were quite used to her having to drop everything to go home to him, or coming in late because he'd been "playing up".  However, when he went into secure care elsewhere in the country, her absences and lateness seemed to increase, not decrease.  It got to the stage that I refused to answer her phone if she was late, or not in the room, I was so fed up with covering for her.  Moreover, no-one in authority seemed to worry - it was always "just how M is".  Even the girl who monitored the clocking-in sheets would make allowances for her - with her manager's blessing, might I add.  But if I dared to be a minute or two late because of traffic problems on the road, who was always first to berate me, loudly?  Yes, M.  

I know that she left a couple of years back, and managed to find alternative employment - I wonder how she coped there with her unique idea of "timekeeping"?


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