My thoughts and prayers are with all the people of London. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help you during this difficult time.
I just heard from my daughter in law who has just heard from my son. He is OK - Thank God!
Generally, when he is in London he works in an office in Cambridge which I'm told is about an hour away from actually being in London. But today, as luck would have it, he was in London proper about 1 mile from the worse of the explosions. I guess where he is has been cordoned off - nobody in; nobody out. And phone service is sporadic at best.
All our London people - stay safe. My prayers and thoughts are with you today.
Pat in Orlando

Posts: 12
I, too, am thinking of you all and hoping you have the much needed strength to get through this time. Seeing the people in bandages, and the looks of disbelief, was like seeing the coverage of September 11 all over again.

Posts: 34
My heartfelt prayers are with all of you in London, throughout the U.K., and the world, since many tourists visit the city.
Since I live and work in New York City, I am totally empathetic. After the 9/11 attacks, our building was evacuated and Manhattan was sealed off. The situation was horrible.
I am so sorry that this tragedy has occurred. Please take care of one another. My prayers and best wishes are with you.
~in pursuit of excellence~
My prayers, good thoughts and condolences are with you. I was very sad to hear the news. Hope everyone's okay and you can all sit down with a nice cup of tea and take it easy!

Posts: 38
It is horrible what happened. I hope everybody gets home well tonight.
Be not afraid of mistakes an thus make them crimes. confutius
My office is very close to where it happened, I'm fine, worrying about all the colleagues who may not be. I travel in normally between 9.30 and 10 and only rarely on the Piccadilly line. It was some time before I realised (a) that this wasn't just a tube failure and (b) that my boyfriend and parents (and one of my step parents) would be worried.
I hope everyone else is ok and would be glad to know.
I haven't posted in quite a while, but wanted to check in to add my thoughts and prayers to those above. I hope everyone is okay.
I just heard the news... So sorry to hear about yet another tragedy like this occurring anywhere. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of our London folks, their families, and anyone else who was in the city on this dreadful, tragic day. May you all be safe. Please do continue to check in with us as you are able.
CountriGal Peer Moderator
Raindance signing in!
I had quite a journey home yesterday(including a route march through the City), but made it in one piece. I'm very shocked, naturally, but made myself get on the Tube this morning to come into work. I'm just praying for the dead and injured, and their families.
I hope that all my fellow DDers based in London are safe and well.
Best wishes,
Pat - glad to hear that your son is ok. Hubby phoned yesterday afternoon to say that he was safe and well and was in a queue of traffic trying to get out of London. He arrived home at 9.30 last night absolutely shattered and emotionally drained, he was not actually near any of the explosion areas but said that the atmosphere in London was really spooky.
I was lucky and my thoughts and prayers are with those who are still waiting to hear from loved ones.
Take care everyone.

Posts: 1
seems like a good idea to create some mini networks to help out in stressful times
Val I am so glad to hear that hubby is safe.
Pat in Orlando
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I'm glad to hear that everyone is safe.
I found this quote that I think is brilliant: "As Brits, we'll carry on -- it doesn't scare us at all" said tour guide Michael Cahill, 37. "Look, loads of people are walking down the streets. It's Great Britain -- not called 'Great' for nothing."
Don't stop living because if you do, the terrorists have won!
Now all we need is DD 'management' to create a database by location and some sort of automated message which can be responded to. This could be sent to specific areas in the event of events like yesterday, and then taken from there.
Glad someone else thought it a good idea...