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Author Topic: Lunch Time!  (Read 7181 times)
susan silva
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« on: October 04, 2012, 04:21:20 am »

What is your lunch time routine?  Do you bring lunch in?  Maybe a mix of going out to lunch and bringing it in?  How often do you go out and buy lunch?  Do you eat at your desk or get out?
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« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2012, 09:06:12 am »

I only get half an hour for lunch but it gives me enough time to go home and see to the dogs, get back to work and continue working whilst eating my lunch at my desk.  Normally lunch is soup, salad or a sandwich, but there is an excellent sandwich van on the business park which sells allsorts so sometimes I have a jacket potato or quiche  Smiley
Chatham Lady
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« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2012, 01:19:53 pm »

Get an hour for lunch.  Usually bring in a sandwich and fruit from home which 9 times out of 10 I'll eat at my desk.  There is a rest area to use if you want and kitchen facilities, can heat up items in microwave, use kettle etc.  Sometimes I treat myself to a freshly made salad box from local sandwich van.  Only go out if I have a definite reason as I'm in a remote location and you have to drive 10+ minutes to get anywhere.
Katie G
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« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2012, 03:08:54 pm »

I usually bring my lunch from home -- either a sandwich and/or salad or leftovers from dinner to heat up.  When frozen entrees are on sale, I'll pick up a few, label them, and keep one or two in the freezer at work for those days when there's nothing to bring from home.  

The eating out options around here are expensive -- it's  tough to get a sandwich for less than $6 and salads are even more expensive. I could easily blow $40 a week buying lunch every day.  

Technically, I get 30 min. for lunch, but I'm usually working right through it.  Unfortunately, it's the nature of our business.
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« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2012, 03:37:43 pm »

I get 30 minutes and 2 15 minute breaks during day. I don't take breaks and use it all as my lunch instead. Sometimes I bring lunch in (especially when I get on a frugal kick or when the weather is lousy), sometimes I go out for lunch, sometimes I eat out in my car (our company has 10 square miles of wetlands and prairie here, so lots of pretty places to park and eat), sometimes I meet friends for lunch.
Atlanta Z3
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« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2012, 07:46:50 pm »

We have an hour for lunch.  Mixed bag here.  I try to work out but lately that's been a bust - can't get back in the groove.  Lately I've only been taking 1/2 an hour, go munch something I brought in and work on a needlepoint craft project.  My office is convenient to mall (food court) and many other shops, so lunch time errands are easy.  We also have two very nice picnic areas and lately the weather has been wonderful to just sit outside and commune with nature.  We have a cafe and convenience store in our building (as well as dry cleaners and shoe shoe stand!) so if weather is inclimate and I didn't bring a lunch I can get something from one of the stores.  The cafe tries to change it up one day is a pasta station cooked to order, another a sushi bar, plus salad bar and steam table.  After a while it's all the same and can be expensive if done on a regualr basis.
Even on a really hectic day I try to get away from my desk for at least 15 minutes!
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« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2012, 06:42:17 pm »

I get half an hour for lunch, but need to escape this place, so a co-worker and I go out and grab lunch.  I used to eat at my desk, with a book, but folks quit respecting the fact that I was at lunch and would ask me questions anyway.  Ditto for when I ate in the common break area used for that purpose...  some folks have no boundaries!  So... in order to remain some sanity, a co-worker and I escape, grab something somewhere locally and visit and eat and get back.  I have to admit to taking longer than 30 minutes most days, but I can flex my schedule a bit and make up for it... plus my boss doesn't really worry about it as I get all my work done on time and work hard, so he's willing to overlook a little longer lunches.
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« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2012, 12:19:33 am »

No where to go.  Don't like to sit in my car and the break room is not desirable.  Usually eat at my desk.  Yes, I know.....but really don't have alot of options.
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« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2012, 01:43:32 pm »

I tend to bring lunch in (soup, sandwich, salad, fruit) from home and either eat at my desk or in the staffroom.  We have a fully-equipped kitchen so heating things up is easy.  I attend a lot of meetings and have whatever is provided.   

I think it is important to try to get out of the office during lunchbreak.  We have an hour, which is generous, and I invariably go for a walk even if it is on personal business.  Not much in the way of stores where I work, but lots of small parks - great for walks or having lunch out.

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