susan silva
« on: October 19, 2012, 05:30:01 am » |
What travel frustrations have you had? Lost luggage? Missed flights? Turbulence? That baby that wont quite down? Do you have any stories or have any stories for those you plan travel for?
Atlanta Z3
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2012, 02:51:22 pm » |
My travel frustration is the people that whine about travel. They want first class for pennies, expect to be able to carry on 200 pounds of luggage and have the flight attendant be their personal porter. Sorry this is one of my pet peeves and as an airline employee spouse I've probably seen about every issue possible when flying. No I don't want to sit next to a person who needs a seat belt extender, or the new mother who has never flown with Jr. before, or the chatty grandma going to see new Jr for the first time, had flight delays, been redirected to another airport, spent the night in a hotel that wasn't a planned expense etc. I've done all of this with a smile, the plane trip is an end to a means.
I've also had some wonderful perks in business class, great meals, met some really neat flight attendants or row mates, chatted up people in airports during delays. (I recently added a TSA travel blog if anyone is interested in reading.)
Katie G
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2012, 06:26:38 pm » |
Lack of planning is my bugaboo. I can't count the number of times I've had someone jumping all over me to book a trip NOW! NOW! NOW! but they haven't finalized all their plans yet.  So I end up making endless changes to flights and hotels and car rentals while they finalize their appointments. And it's usually the very last minute when everything is settled, so then I hear whining about how the hotel they wanted is booked solid and how the car rental company only had a sub-compact left, and how they can't get an aisle seat on the plane.
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2012, 03:02:27 pm » |
Mine is that the rules keep changing! My company works for a government agency and they keep changing the rules on what is a meeting versus a conference, etc. Conferences require a bunch more hoops to jump through. Yesterday I discovered a trip I booked in September for my boss actually had a snafu because the meeting he is attending was reclassified as a conference after his trip paperwork was approved and no one came back to let me know. We had to jump through a ton of hoops because the approval list for attending the conference had been closed and my boss wasn't included on it.