What a disgusting environrment to come to work in every day, at least we have standards in the UK.
Oh for goodness sake, gee, you're being ridiculous. It is not like there is a pile of dog crap every two feet you need to step around. It looks exactly like any other office. If the animals are not well behaved they aren't allowed to return.
Typical selfish attitude with no thought towards others.
Atlanta Z3
Last time I checked my shoes go pretty much the same place a dog's foot would. Have you considered the germs in a common bathroom - eww gross. And considering some of the public restrooms I've used across the pond I will take our US sanitation over UK any day. To end on a funny note my hubby sent me a you tube video of a cat that just moved in with a new family. Their son is playing in the sandbox and the cat is freaking out. The cat says why doesn't the kid just go already, the kid is making the cat nervous. It's really amusing.
Now we are comparing animals to toilets?! What planet are you people from?
All right, that's enough. I am officially putting on my moderator's hat and issuing a yellow card warning (and note to all, I am including MYSELF in that warning as well, since I fully acknowledge I was one of the ones escalating the tone of this conversation). So play nice in this thread from here on out.
Animals crap where they find - FACT My shoes don't
Do animals wipe themselves clean, no - FACT My shoes are cleaned or left at the door
Animals walk in dirt, muck, water, soil, grass, sand etc - FACT Humans wear shoes, we don't walk outside on bare feet
Do animals enter your house and walk all over your floors and carpet, yes - FACT
Do animals climb all over your sofa, chairs, bed etc, yes - FACT
Do you replace your floors and carpet and bedclothes when they do, no - FACT
If your bathroom smells and looks like your dog, it's time to do some cleaning!!
I absolutely adore animals. I think it rather depends on the environment as to whether an animals is acceptable. For example, I used to work in a hospice, where animals were always welcome to visit with day care patients, or those who were staying for longer. They were kept away from administration floors. The animals were a great help to patients.
Unfortunately, I am allergic to cats and dogs so I would find it challenging to have animals in my current office.
Exactly my point Rain, not everyone can be around animals. My mother is asthmatic, other people I know have allergies, so whilst it might sound like a nice idea, you have to put your fellow human beings first and consider their medical ailments as well as what is an acceptable environment to be in.
Hopefully I will never have to be admitted to a home or hospice where there are might as well shoot me beforehand.
You have to remember also as I said above, "keeping them away from admin floors" is not the answer either. Smells and hairs carry and are left behind. Even to have an animal in the same building can be a health hazzard for others. Health and safety has to be a priority where human beings are concerned.
Jackie G
Right everyone, this has gone far enough and I'm now calling this as a RED card. Any more and this thread will be locked.
Play nice or don't play.
Don't punish those who were asked to respond to this posting Jackie. You might want to redirect this at the person who posted the item/topic in the first place.
It seems a lot of postings within the Sound Off category cause controvsery which you will have with such subjects as this.
I think it was an appalling post for a professional networking site. Did no one think it would cause controversy? Is that what the OP intended?
« Last Edit: June 13, 2012, 10:29:30 am by Jackie G »
Jackie G
This was a perfectly reasonable question, I have worked in an office where pets were permitted. Admittedly nobody told me about it when I got the job so it wasn't my cup of tea.
You inflamed the situation with some of your comments. Please refer to your email from Mek which you should have received in the last couple of months.
The poster started it, don't punish those who were asked to respond. Perfectly reasonable responses to a topic such as this.
Jackie G
Whether you agree or disagree, the tone of this thread is getting out of hand.
One final warning. Play nice and if you can't, then keep your comments zipped.
Wonders if people sanitize their shoes before walking into their offices 