« Reply #15 on: February 27, 2001, 11:25:36 am » |
When I first learned, I was taught on WordPerfect...it was a blessing from heaven above, because I had only used a typewriter before for letters. Then when I started here, we didn't have PC's yet, and had to use a Unix based word processing system, called Uniplex. A manager here called it "The Stone Axe of Word Processing"...When we moved to PC's, it was with Word and all Windows based applications. Love it, missed reveal codes, but learned to function well with it. And it definately beat the heck out of our previous system!
Now we've been merged with another major company, and their standard is Lotus. (There are very specific reasons for this.) So now, here I am again, working with the similar, yet different enough to be confusing!
Needless to say, I'm somewhat proficient in all, excel in none!