« on: January 23, 2004, 05:53:29 am » |
I fell into the admin-field and have enjoyed it and definitely see it as the power behind the folks, but to me it's only a stepping stone. I've now moved on from an actual admin-type support position to one with more power and authority, supporting no one but myself. And am being groomed to move into even higher positions, moving towards management. Since I have 25+ years still left until I qualify for early retirement, and I'm only 3 grades from the upper-most range achievable (to include top management), then I really don't see myself not moving upwards -- I'd get bored if I didn't switch jobs somewhere in those years. Hopefully though I'll slow down a bit and build a bit more experience at each level before jumping into the next higher one. It'll make me a better person for any future positions if I can do that. But I definitely tip my hat to those who are career-supporters. Without y'all, lots of things would fall bythe wayside and be lost to future generations. We all have things to offer in the work-place and it takes us all to make a dynamic and healthy work place.
CountriGal Peer Moderator