
Posts: 3
« Reply #15 on: November 14, 2001, 07:07:58 pm » |
to speak or write evasively; or when used as a noun, evasive, vague or misleading speech.
I admire a person with strong opinions and sound logic, goldenearring, but you are all over the place. And you seem to have been granted "untouchable" status on this website; apparently you're immune from criticism and are never held accountable for your wobbly beliefs. You like Jerry Falwell? You don't like Jerry Falwell? Gay people are sinners? Or are they your friends? Overweight women are sinners? Say WHAT?!
To "blame" the tragedies of September 11 on anyone other than the rightful perpetrator (Osama bin Hiding in a Cave, or whatever his name is) is to misuse and abuse the name of God and to use "religion" to further an ultra-conservative agenda. Shame on Jerry Fallwell and Pat Robertson for taking a time of unprecedented global grief and trying to turn it into political currency. To quote Walter Cronkite:. "It makes you wonder if [Falwell and Robertson are] worshiping the same God as the people who bombed the Trade Centers and the Pentagon." Amen, Walter.
Some of us, I think a lot of us, believe in a God of love and forgiveness, one whose embrace is broad enough to encompass everybody. Even--maybe especially--someone like Mark Bingham, the gay man who was one of the heroes of United flight 93 who led the passenger uprising against the hijackers. According to your very intolerant belief systen, Mark Bingham is a "sinner." I believe that In the eyes of God, that heroic young man's soul is pure, and he is without sin.
I am appalled that what passes for "ladylike" behavior around here would be, in any other situation, denounced for the hate mongering that it is.
I applaud you, RadarO, for your immense compassion and sanity. We need so much of that right now. You are awesome.