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Author Topic: Week of February 2nd-Dishonest Coworkers?  (Read 34992 times)
Posts: 6

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« on: February 20, 2004, 11:23:06 am »

Here in London a PA from a rather large Bank has just been prosecuted for fraud after skimming over £4 million from her bosses.   Not only has this now given all PA's/EA's bad coverage in the press what must her predecessor be thinking; she's probably being watched like a hawk.  What about her colleagues and the effect it would have on them? How could she think it was ok to skim money, let alone this amount, to feed her wanting of fast cars, fancy clothes and posh houses.  We'd all like that but in my position where I am trusted by my boss, my colleagues and the firm I would never ever betray that trust.  I dislike dishonest and selfish people whether in the workplace or out of it.  Yes it is a dog eat dog world but dishonesty shouldn't come into it - fight fairly or don't fight at all.


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