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Author Topic: Chicago Admins - Need Your Advice  (Read 4996 times)
Posts: 18

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« on: September 10, 2001, 01:53:41 pm »

My hubby plans to attend a show at the McCormack conference center later this month.  He'll be flying in and out the same day.  Since he has his own business, he's really tight with his travel dollars.  He'd like to know what a cab or limo service (sedan) would cost from O'Hare to the conference center.  Are the fares comparable?  He can get a better airfare into O'Hare than Midway, but transportation costs may eat up the savings.  Any other suggestions?  Maybe renting a car (plus parking costs) would be best.  I appreciate any input you have.  Thanks!
Jr. Member
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« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2001, 02:22:28 pm »

I'm not sure what it would cost, since I don't take cabs a lot, but tell your husband that when the cabbie asks him where he's from, that he says that he used to live in the area and recently moved out. If the cabbie finds out he's an out of towner, he'll take him the long way around to get a higher fare. I'm sure this is true in other cities, but it's happened to me here in Chicago, and I'm from here! Stupid me told the cabbie I was from the suburbs!. Duh.  
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« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2001, 02:57:08 pm »

Try O'Hare Midway Limo (312-558-1111), AAA Village Limo Service (1-888-909-5466) or Deerbrook Limo (847-945-0500). They charge about $55 one way, plus tip and tolls. I don't know what a cab would cost but they are plentiful at both locations.
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« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2001, 07:42:01 am »

Oh boy ssc...I do know what you mean.  I went to a seminar in Atlanta a couple of months ago and the cabbie took me alllllll the way around downtown Atlanta (but I didn't realize it because I'm not from there) and the cab ride ended up being $75.  Good thing my company was paying and not me.  I found out later that it was cheaper to go through downtown.  It's terrible the way they take advantage.

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« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2001, 03:28:49 pm »


Just saw this, am hoping that things might be normal, if he decides to fly since all the tragedy...

Try contacting Rosemont Taxi...the phone number there is 847-827-0110.  And what ever else he does, he shouldn't just grab a cab at the stand, they tend use meter rates.  Some of the local companies will charge flat rates.  You can also try American Taxi in the suburbs.  They are reasonable too.  You just call then at arrivals, and they'll pick him up in just a few min.  Rosemont cab can usually be there in around five.  Now let's just hope he can get where he's going.

Daisylee ( glad I don't work in Rosmont any more!)
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« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2001, 09:37:19 am »

If money is really tight, why doesn't he take the El?  It's not difficult to take the train in from O'Hare (or from Midway, for that matter) to McCormick.  I wouldn't exactly call the CTA staff friendly, but if questioned they will tell him how to get to McCormick from O'Hare via the El, and it will cost him less than $2 each way.  Also: no traffic, no worries about getting driven around the long way.  All he needs is something to read since it's kind of a long, boring trip.

dettu, former Chicago resident and El rider
Posts: 18

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« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2001, 11:29:57 am »

Thanks to everyone for your advice.  Since the terrorist attack last Tuesday, the subject of traveling to Chicago has not even come up at our house, and I hope it doesn't.  But if my husband insists on still going, I will pass on your comments.

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