Katie G
Oooh, I made lasagna last night so I had leftover sauce and mozzarella cheese and the heel of the loaf of Italian bread which means....PIZZA KIT FOR LUNCH!!!
Some angel brought in a toaster oven for the office as an addition to the microwave. I put some sauce in a ziploc bag, cheese in another ziploc, today I sliced a mushroom to add, and a slice of the bread. Assemble in the office, put in the toaster oven for a few minutes and MMMMMM!
Only four hours to go 'til lunch!
You are making me hungry and it's on 7 here..
Sounds like a great lunch, me I am having a salad, trying to get thinner.
Have a wonderful Monday.
I usually pack my lunch, but today I'm going to have to buy it because.....I forgot it at home! It's BBQ chicken and seafood pasta salad, and I was all ready to relax & enjoy it, and then realized that I FORGOT IT!!!!!!
Whatever else I get is going to pale in comparison.....

Posts: 18
Like officeduchess, I go home for lunch. I can't walk it, but I drive and it just takes a few minutes. I get an hour for lunch. I either pop a frozen lo-cal meal in the microwave or graze the leftovers. If I'm organized, I even start preparing dinner. If I'm "super" organized, I get dinner in the oven and set timed-bake and dinner's ready when I get home from work. If I feel really "Suzy-Homemaker-ish" (Is that a word?) I'll put in a load of laundry, pay a few bills or clean a bathroom. It's amazing how much you can get done when no kids or hubby are around!! To be honest, I don't work this hard at lunch every day. Sometimes I just lounge with a book.
I like to bring my lunch but then I have the problem of where to eat it other than at my desk; I hate having people talk to me when I've just taken a bite.
I agree with the people who like McDonald's Salad Shakers, but I havent' figured out a good way to eat the salad. I found it impossible to mix the dressing on the salad and eat it from the "shaker." My best plan has been to dump it all out onto a plate. How do you do it?
My trick with the salad shakers is to use ALL of the salad dressing and pour it on the top of your salad, put the cover on and shake it a few times and you are all set. Only thing is you'll have to get some of the toppings off the cover, but otherwise seems to do a good job of getting the salad dressing all the way down to the bottom. My favorite is the chicken salad, lots of chicken, yummy.
I must say I fit neither of these categories... with only 30 minutes to eat I can't go out, and I seem to forget to make anything to bring with me. The cafeteria in the building isn't great, but it's what feeds me (and I don't consider it fast food - anything but!!)
You got me hungry for a McD's chicken salad, so I had one today. Your trick with the dressing worked. Thanks!
There is a group of us that go to lunch together almost every day. Today we numbered 14...most days it is 7 to 9. We rotate between a pub (great chef salad), a deli (Jason's - excellent sandwiches), Metro Pizza, Mexican restaurant, etc. Only occasionally do we go to a Pizza Hut or Wendy's.