Page 9 - PA_Enterprise_July-August-2021
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done activity will help you be more realistic in through offline communication, i.e. email? Ask
future planning. yourself where time spent in meetings can
be reduced or eliminated without materially
Plan out your calendar for the upcoming week adverse business impact.
- This is the time to review your “done” list for
urgent and non-urgent deliverables needing 6. Remember that you own your calendar, it
to be completed and slotting the work time to doesn’t own you - Certainly things may happen
produce the deliverables into your calendar. during the week which could alter what you get
It’s important to be realistic with yourself on done (or when you do it). Don’t beat yourself up
how much time is needed to complete the if it does happen, just look at the frequency and
deliverables and not set yourself up for failure. reasons behind the changes. If they’re happening
Remember to ensure your calendar includes all on an exceptional basis because of unforeseen
activity that consumes time in your day. work hitting your plate, then accept it as part
of the job. If they’re happening frequently,
Document what you plan to get done for the then it could be you’re either not realistic in
following week - For items you are committing your planning or you’re allowing yourself to be
to getting done, update your Friday planning distracted. It’s up to you to decide, just be honest
meeting for the next week to include the dones, with yourself.
which you’ll review in a week’s time.
A common thread through these principles is
4. Make difficult calendar choices - If there just discipline. You can put the best-intentioned
aren’t enough hours in the week to get things techniques in place but if you don’t follow them,
done, look to see what needs to change. Perhaps you’re dooming yourself to emails at midnight.
it’s a change in due date or altering or deferring Seriously consider the principles, put your spin
other items in your calendar that are taking on them, and put them into action.
up time. Whatever the case, be willing to make
some decisions about what you do and who you
meet with.
Lonnie Pacelli is an accomplished author and autism
advocate with over 30 years experience in leadership
5. Find hidden time in your calendar - Are
and project management at Accenture, Microsoft, and
there meetings you just don’t need to be at?
Consetta Group. See books, articles, keynotes, and self-
Are there one-hour meetings that can be done study seminars at
in 30 minutes? Can the frequency of recurring
meetings be reduced? Can some things be done
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