Page 8 - PA_Enterprise_July-August-2021
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into smaller deliverables that can reasonably be other activities--deserve time scheduled in your
completed in a week. For example, if you have a calendar.
done called “produce competitor report,” break
the deliverable into smaller deliverables that 3. Schedule a recurring Friday afternoon
align with the report’s table of contents, i.e. progress and planning meeting with yourself -
“Create strengths and weaknesses analysis for Near the end of your day on Friday, block out 30
each competitor.” minutes on your calendar to do three things:
2. Ensure your calendar includes everything Review what you committed to get done - For
that consumes time in your day, not just those items you committed to do in the prior
meetings - I’ve seen countless examples of week, look at what you actually got done. For
people only putting meetings with others in those items you either didn’t get done or spent
their calendars, making their days crammed more than your allocated time completing, ask
with meetings, then burning the midnight oil to yourself why. Were you too optimistic? Did you
get non-meeting work done. Any activity that let yourself get distracted? Was there legitimate
consumes time in your day--meetings, work time, activity that was higher priority? Doing a
personal time, professional development, or retrospective analysis on your planned vs. actual