Indispensable Administrative Professionals Encouraged to Blend Business with Pleasure

While on the beach or lounging by the pool, 81% of admins polled claimed they spend precious vacation time checking voicemails or e-mails. 62% said they went so far as to take actual work with them when they were out of the office. "I'm just so busy doing so many things for so many people, I really can't afford to totally ignore what's going in the office," said one polled administrative professional from pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc. "I try to minimize my contact with work while on vacation, but because I don't have anyone to delegate work to while I'm away, I usually at least check e-mail first thing in the morning to see what's going on."

During times of increased responsibility, administrative professionals are finding it harder and harder to fully separate themselves from the job, even while enjoying the rest and relaxation of a vacation. Gone are the days when only the bosses and managers had to check into work while on vacation. "Back when I started I rarely felt compelled to even think about work while I was on vacation. But now, I almost feel guilty if I don't."

Susan Silva, DeskDemon's US Editor thinks both increased responsibilities and pressure from management has caused such a majority of admins to do work while on vacation. "While managers may not ask you to work while on vacation, there is definitely subtle pressure to do so. Admins are an integral part of the office like never before and we're expected to go above and beyond the parameters of the job."

DeskDemon is an online, community based business tool specifically designed for the Administrative Professionals (Executive, Administrative and Virtual Assistants, Secretaries, Office Mangers, etc). It provides essential workplace resources to enable its users to achieve tangible benefits through measurable savings in time and cost. This is done through providing information, resources, on-line-tools, career advice, relevant content and the world's largest on line community (forum boards) for this audience.

Launched in the UK in 2000, DeskDemon acquired (the largest web site for office professionals in the USA) in Feb 2005, making it the largest global web site for this group of the work force. The site is continually developed in close collaboration with executive, administrative and virtual assistants, office managers and administrative staff, as well as some of the world leading technology companies.

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