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Mobile phones are amongst our most shared items and many of us will not think twice about lending ours to a friend. But as they can regularly come into close contact with our hands, ears and mouths, this can lead to large numbers of bacteria, which could cause infection. In order to minimise the risk, it's important to regularly clean your appliances thoroughly with the right product.

Choosing AF means you can be confident that our products are independently tested to kill 99% of bacteria. So regular cleaning not only removes the risk of passing on germs and viruses, it also means your technology is cleaned safely to serve you better for longer.

AF International, an established business dedicated to technology cleaning materials is offering free samples of their latest products to the first 100 people who participate in their survey. Phone-Clene, Ultraclene and Screenclene all in a handy zip bag, are ideal for keeping your technology as germ free as they can be.

For your chance to win, simply follow the link and complete the survey. The first 100 participants will be notified and receive samples of all items.

Be honest – do you ever use your phone whilst on the loo? Yes    No
Have you ever used any other techy gadget in the bathroom? Yes    No
Do you ever clean your TV remote with an anti-bacterial product? Yes    No


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