DeskDemon Competition Winners

Autumn Ideal Home Show

Autumn Ideal Home ShowCongratulations are in order to the ten lucky winners below, who all won a pair of tickets, worth £20 each, to the Autumn Ideal Home Show. The Show ran from the 6th to the 15th October and showcased the latest designs and developments for today's homes.


Name Company Location
Carina Decor & Design Services Mitcham
Elspeth Macmillan Cancer Support London
Theresa Easyjet Bedfordshire
Susan GlaxoSmithKline Middx
Jacqui Zurich Insurances Hampshire
Karla RCPCH London
Annette Chubb Insurance London
Cara BBC London
Alicia American Express London
Alison Ernst & Young London

DeskDemon User Survey

DeskDemon User SurveyCongratulations to Sue Tinker, a PA at HSBC in Manchester. Sue won a 4 MegaPixel Kodak Digital Camera for participating in our Trade Magazines and Exhibitions Survey. Enjoy flashing around your new camera Sue, and from now on picture every moment. Well done!


Name Company Location
Sue HSBC Manchester
Smartening up with Black n' Red

Smartening up with Black n' RedMargaret Weeks, a secretary at Airbus UK in Bristol was the lucky winner of Black n' Red's makeover competition. Margaret won a day's consultation with a top London image consultant. The day's itinerary included a designer cut and style at the Headmasters' salon in Hanover Street plus great tips on colours and styles. Then, for the perfect ending, she received a makeover by a professional make-up artist and a gift pack of essentials to take away.


Name Company Location
Margaret Airbus UK Bristol

iFeedbackWell done to Stephanie Hills & Sally Mitton! Both Stephanie and Sally were winners of DeskDemon's Feedback competition. They won an iPod Shuffle for giving us feedback on how we can improve things for you. Each month we are giving away a prize to thank you for all your feedback - in helping us to help you!


Name Location
Stephanie Hampshire
Sally Leicestershire – Power to the PAs

From PA to Prague – Power To The PA'sCongratulations to Caroline Gestwicki for winning an amazing weekend away for two at a 4 star hotel in Prague, complete with spending money. That's not all – because five runners-up have gone away with prizes of £100 Marks & Spencer vouchers! Thanks to everyone who took part in our survey. The results show just how far beyond the call of duty the modern PA has to go. Hanging out the boss's swimming trunks is just one step too far!


Name Company Location
Caroline N/A N/A
Ann Scottish Parliament Edinburgh
Nicole Interflora Lincolnshire
Frances SEA/Ann Lloyd Bridgend
Clare Royal & SunAlliance West Sussex
Collette Shell London

The Joy of Money

Money is a joy!

The Joy Of MoneyWell done to Linda, Celeste, Pam, Melanie and Charisse who have all won the book 'The Joy of Money'. Written by former stockbroker and CEO Michelle Doughty, this A-Z guide gives beautiful, easy-to-read jargon-free explanations of the language of money. It's written in clear, straightforward language and don't worry, it's not meant to be read through from start to finish – just keep it on your desk as a great resource!


Name Company Location
Pam Mitsui Babcock Renfrewshire
Charisse Aspen London
Celeste Goldsmiths College London
Linda Ernst & Young London
Melanie BG Group Hampshire

Ideal Home Show Exhibition Tickets

One step towards the Ideal Home Show

Ideal Home Show Exhibition TicketsTwenty lucky people won tickets to this year's massive Ideal Home Show. Running for 4 weeks throughout March the show was themed around 'Recycling in the Home', and featured top tips on how you can 'go green', endless ideas on how to make the most of your household waste, and offered many tasty organic recipe ideas. So it looks like the winners' homes will be the envy of all their friends.


Name Company Location
Pam IBM UK Ltd Middlesex
Sheila FirstGroup plc Manchester
Julie Reader Commercial Suffolk
Angela Business Link for London London
Jennifer AXA Insurance G.Manchester
Amanda Deloitte London
Sharon British Bakels Ltd Oxfordshrire
Sam Nestle Purina Petcare Surrey
Carole Kodak Middlesex
Dolores A & I GRP Surrey
Andrea Cable and Wireless Berkshire
Linda Vodafone Group Services Berkshire
Joanne SAP (Uk) Ltd Middlesex
Rita United National Bank London
Carol Collards Surrey
Linda Oakley House Luton
Pamela O2 UK Berkshire
WY Morgan Stanley London
G Marshall SV Cambridgeshire
Madaline BAA Middlesex

Dymo LabelWriter 310

Label the winners

Dymo LabelWriter 310It'll be easy to spot the winners of this competition, with their well-labelled stationery and milk in the fridge. Congratulations to Charlotte, Julie and Leonie, who all won a Dymo LabelWriter 310. This fast, economical, high-resolution label printer is computer compatible, so that you can print directly from your favourite software at the click of a button. A great prize for the time-pressured PA!


Name Location
Charlotte Leeds
Leonie Wrexham
Julie Cardiff

DeskDemon Express

From City Airport to City Break

DeskDemon Express – VLM TicketsA big congratulations is in order to Angela Thomas, the DeskDemon Express reader who won a pair of return tickets to an European destination of her choice, courtesy of VLM Airlines, plus return travel on the Docklands Light Railway. What a great prize! Well done too to the 10 people who won a copy of Tracey Turner's caustically comic take on the modern workplace, "Office wit and wisdom".


Name Company Location
Jane Saudi Aramco Devon
Elizabeth BT Glasgow
Diane Ernst & Young LLP Birmingham
P The Kennel Club London
Georgina Queen's University Belfast Belfast
Marcia Transport For London London
Rajshree Royal & SunAlliance London
Liezl Ferrero Ltd Herts
Vicky UCL Business London
Angela Barclays Bank Cheshire
Wendy GSK Middlesex

HMV & Waterstone's Rewards and Incentives

Music to my ears

HMV & Waterstone's Rewards and IncentivesHMV and Waterstone's teamed up to offer this great prize – three sets of gift vouchers, each worth £50. Well done to Faye, Claire, and Suzanne who can now stock up their book, CD, and DVD collections. With each store boasting over 200 outlets across the country there is every opportunity for the lucky winners to make the most of the Spring weather and get out there and get that essential box-set.


Name Company Location
Faye UPS Middlesex
Claire H J Heinz Co Ltd Herts
Suzanne Royal & SunAlliance West Sussex

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