Spring cleaning data is key to business success

Businesses using old data to target potential customers are throwing money down the drain if they do not invest in professional data cleansing, says leading telemarketing services provider Phruit.

Companies not only risk wasting money by employing staff to make unnecessary or irrelevant calls, but they also run the risk of offending those who may be unwilling or unable to respond to calls - for reasons such as caller preference or even bereavement - ultimately having a detrimental effect on their business.

Maintaining or cleansing data is therefore essential to ensure its integrity while allowing business to run more efficiently.

Data cleansing services are offered by many companies who use a software system to process the data, which can be relatively inexpensive. However, using a reputable company with access to a variety of software systems, comprehensive up-to-date records and on-going ‘human’ input to check data, is much more accurate and provides better value for money in the long term.

Ian Allison of Phruit explains, “If you consider the cost of employing staff to make calls using a database that is out-of-date, as well as the effect this may have on your business’ reputation through inaccurate calls, it makes absolute sense to spring clean data regularly, using a professional company that can prove their records are in good shape.”

“Paying staff to make calls based on old data is throwing good money after bad. Using cheaper cleansing services may bring some short term benefits – but there is no substitute for a comprehensive cleansing of your business data. This will be most efficient option in the long run,” he added.

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