MS Project 2007

» To Quickly Edit Text - Do you want to quickly edit text in the Gantt chart or any sheet view? Press F2 to activate the entry bar to edit text in the selected cell.

» See Gantt Bars for Selected Tasks - Can't see the Gantt bars for your selected tasks? Click the Go To Selected Task button.

» Move the Timescale in increments - If you want to move the timescale portion of the view in small increments, press CTRL+LEFT or CTRL+RIGHT.

» Form View Along Another View - If you want to see a form view along with another view for quick entry of task or resource details, hold down SHIFT while clicking the view on the View Bar.

» To Quickly Create a Task - Want to quickly create a task in the Calendar? Simply place your cursor within the Calendar, and drag your mouse right or left for the duration of the task.

» Change or Add Task Information - You can change or add task information in the Calendar view. Double-click the task to display the Task Information dialog box. For example, you can change the predecessors or attach a note to the task.

» To Quickly Link Tasks - Quickly link tasks, select the two tasks and press CTRL+F2. To unlink tasks, select them and press CTRL+SHIFT+F2.

» Format an Individual Gantt Bar - You want to format an individual Gantt bar? Double-click the Gantt bar to open the Format Bar dialog box.

» Format a Category of Gantt Bars - Want to format a category of Gantt bars? Double-click a blank area of the chart portion of the Gantt Chart to open the Bar Styles dialog box.

» Edit a Cell by Typing Within the Cell - Do you want to edit a cell by typing within the cell? Click the text to select it, and then click it again to place the editing cursor in the text.

» Link Two Tasks - You can link two tasks quickly using the mouse. In the Gantt Chart view, point to one of the bars until you see a four-pointed arrow, then drag it to the task you want to link to.

» Undo Mistakes - Did you make a mistake? Quickly undo mistakes by pressing CTRL+Z.

» Create New Tasks - You can create new tasks by dragging left or right in a blank area on the right side of the Gantt Chart.

» Spell Checker - To quickly start the spell checker, press F7.

» Identical Information for More Tasks - To enter identical information for more than one task, select the tasks, and then click the Task Information button on the Standard toolbar.

» Change the Duration of a Task - To change the duration of a task, drag the right end of the task's Gantt bar left or right.

» Milestones are Checkpoints - Milestones are checkpoints you can use to track progress. You can make any task a milestone by setting its duration to zero or by selecting the Mark task as milestone check box on the Advanced tab in the Task Information dialog box.

» Save a Copy of a Baseline Plans - You can save a copy of a baseline plan for later reference. On the Tools menu, point to Tracking, and then click Save Baseline. All the scheduled information is copied into baseline fields. Later you can compare this plan to your actual results.

» Quickly Find Out How Complete a Task - To quickly find out how complete a task is, click the 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% button on the Tracking toolbar.

» Update Completed Work - To update how much work has been completed on a task, drag the left end of the task's Gantt bar to the right to display the correct completion percentage.

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