What are those underlines in my document?

As you type, Word might on occasion insert a wavy red, green, or blue underline beneath text.

Red underline This indicates either a possible spelling error or that Word doesn't recognise a word, such as a proper name or place. If you type a word that is correctly spelled, but Word doesn't recognise it, you can add it to Word's dictionary so that it is not underlined in the future.

Green underline Word thinks that grammar should be revised.

Blue underline A word is spelled correctly but does not seem to be the correct word for the sentence. For example, you type "too," but the word should be "to."

What do you do about the underlines? Right-click an underlined word to see suggested revisions (every once in a while Word may not have any alternate spellings). Click a revision to replace the word in the document and get rid of the underlines. Note that if you print a document with these underlines, they will not show up on printed pages.

A note of caution about green and blue underlines: Word is really good at spelling, which is pretty straightforward (most of the time). But grammar and correct word usage take some judgment. If you think that you are right, and Word is wrong, you can ignore the suggested revisions and get rid of the underlines.

Tip: If you prefer not to stop every time you see wavy underlines, you can just ignore them as you go. When you are through, you can tell Word to check spelling and grammar all at one time.

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