OfficeScopes for the month of September 2005

Virgo Hello again!

As we move into Virgo, it's time to look back at what we've learned, even perhaps gained, from Mercury's retrograde movement from late July to 16th August. Communications, technology and decision making may have been tricky at times, but now there is more clarity and you can move ahead with greater surety.

The Sun enters Virgo, the third and last sign of Summer, on 23rd August at 1.45 am, and heralds in the Autumn on September 22nd at 11.23 pm. There’s a New Moon (a propitious time for new beginnings) on September 3rd at 7.45 pm and a Full Moon on September 18th at 3.01 am (a time for culminations and heightened emotions).

Virgo is the harvest time of year, when we need to separate the 'wheat from the chaff' and prepare inwardly for what we need for the future. Nature does this as a matter of course – but do we?

By Ysanne Lewis

AriesARIES: The above paragraph particularly applies to you, as the Sun is going through a very productive and analytical area of your horoscope. It’s time to deal with details, systems and filing and so on. The good news is that Venus will have just entered Libra, so it’s a good time to heal old wounds and restore some harmony. De-clog issues and see the bigger picture!

TaurusTAURUS: It's an interesting Autumn generally for you, as the planet of Action – Mars - is in your own sign right through till well into next year. Prepare well for your new projects as they could be long lasting. Home matters and responsibilities will lighten up when you enter September and both Mercury and the Sun enter are in your play area of creativity and social life. Benefits at work come your way.

GeminiGEMINI: September is a time of creative improvements at home or in the office. Maybe you feel like addressing the decor or placement of things? Certainly you need to tie up loose ends and move forward. Are you toying with the idea of moving home or office premises? Be as observant as you can to seize opportunities. With Venus in Libra now, you’ll feel more flirtatious and romantic!

CancerCANCER: People will matter more than usual now – family, neighbours, day to day contacts etc. They can be very helpful, so allow yourself to be more open and less defensive. With the Sun and Mercury in that area of your horoscope related to learning skills and short distance travel, be flexible to changes; they will turn out to be enjoyable.

LeoLEO: How are you getting on with Saturn having entered your sign since July 16th? Getting used to it? It may feel a bit restrictive, but its beauty lies in waking up to be truer to yourself and see your potential. With Virgo ruling your financial and practical house, get down to making some dreams come true. With Venus in Scorpio from mid September, you can have more power and magnetism.

VirgoVIRGO: This is a good time to make money and to make your influence felt. At the beginning of September, with Venus and Jupiter lined up together, use that time to make your charm work for you; take some chances. Mars is slowly transiting your travel house this Autumn, so you’ll have a wider perspective than usual. Use the New and Full Moon times mentioned above for new ventures.

LibraLIBRA: With The Sun travelling through the 'retreat ' area of your horoscope, keep your antennae honed and alert to signals telling you when to react to things and when to keep a lower profile. After mid September, finances pick up, along with your physical energy and sensuality. Relationships are accented positively. You’ll surprise folk with your decisiveness.

ScorpioSCORPIO: Bide your time till well into September for big changes. The wheels are turning behind the scenes at present; the results you’re waiting for will emerge. Friends can be helpful now and put ideas your way. Venus, in your own sign from September 11th to 7th October, heightens your attractiveness and could draw a love interest or renewed passion. Money bodes well at that time.

SaggittariusSAGITTARIUS: There's lots of emphasis on your career front this month. Things should be rapidly moving forward and your keyword is the 'future'. Do you feel like being in charge more? You won't tolerate pettiness at this time. As patience isn't your best quality, you may feel a bit boxed in and rock the boat a bit. So be careful. Plan your way forward.

CapricornCAPRICORN: Fancy some travelling? It's a good time for it, or at a least to widen your mind in an adventurous way. There's a strong possibility of romance on the work front. In fact, all in all, this could be a fascinating time for you. Don't limit your imagination now; you’re being encouraged to break some very old patterns. Use early September for asking favours from authority…

AquariusAQUARIUS: Considering your needs and desires more seriously will necessitate your being your own psychologist this month. If you’re prepared to do this, you’ll ind a greater strength emerges. News from overseas may lighten your heart before the middle of September; a surprise trip may occur. Create the inner space you need to understand yourself more and you’ll be rewarded!

PiscesPISCES: With two planets in Virgo in the partnership area of your horoscope, you need to balance yourself and others. The second week of September is easier, with Venus entering Scorpio after the 15th. People will fascinate you more than usual and your insights could be well expressed in writing or talks. Agreements become important and new contracts signed.

Until next month,


An astrology reading makes a great gift – click here to visit Ysanne's website or call her on 01483 572688

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