20th January - 20th February
Hello again and welcome to the summer solstice! A powerful time of year when we have the longest day and an opportunity for new creativity. The Full Moon is on 12th July and the New Moon is on 27th June. Mercury is doing its retrograde action from 7th June till 2nd July. Revise, re-address, re-think, and not push decision making. It's a good time to back up technology, mend things and re visit places and people. Jupiter moves into dramatic Leo on the 16th - are you ready to be more centre stage?
The Sun in your house of home, refection on past matters and tying up of loose ends, combined with the influence of Mercury and Jupiter there, suggests you need to finalise some matters and agendas to move on more freely. Jupiter will be entering the are
This is an important few weeks for your finances and day to day negotiations with people and life. In other words ease of expression and useful chats with people will bring about new avenues and opportunities but pace you. It is not a month for rushing y
With Venus and Mercury in your sign until well in to July, go for what you want and even if Mercury, the trickster, is challenging correct decision making you will be able to rectify any mistakes quite easily. Venus is also encouraging new avenues of
Well, Jupiter is coming to the end of its stay in your sign (it has been there for a year) so make the most of the next 3 weeks to expand and take chances. After 16th, what you have been setting in motion starts to bear fruit and even earn money. Your ho
Okay, with adventurous Jupiter entering your sign till next summer why not make the most of it and have that holiday or party to set the stage! When the Sun enters your sign next month the amplifier is stronger then. Contentment makes you smile. It is a
With the Sun in your house of friendships and group activities claiming your attention this month, a wider vision and more futuristic thinking serves you well. Long term plans gather momentum and importance. With active Mars in your house of finance unt
Aspirations are to the fore and, with Jupiter transiting that area of your birth chart for the next year, expect a major shift of focus, and social life. You don't have to but events this month make you open to that vision. Venus, your ruling planet, in
All that watery energy swirling around you now should be happily drawing admirers and cultural events your way. The Sun is also activating your house of travel. As we know, travel broadens the mind - so do that trip or engage with people who can expan
For you active Sagittarians, this actually should be a communicative month in which to express what you really want. Take a deep breath and step sideways so you can look at your heart’s needs. You will feel the need to become more discerning and even psyc
With planets in Cancer, your opposite sign right through July, it is quite a blessing as they are giving you a much needed perspective on life. With Pluto in your sign for several years now there may have been the tendency to feel under pressure in some q
Your day to day social circle is highly activated this month. You know best what this means and what needs changing or congratulating yourself on! Your health arena is also activated and you feel drawn to new regimes, diets, exercise etc. Having said all
Watery Cancer positing the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter aligns well with your Pisces watery Sun! You should be feeling quite at home with yourself and life at present and with Jupiter in your house of creativity, children (or the child within) for another mon