Most Gorgeous Pet Winner

Most Gorgeous Pet - RossThe winner of our Most Gorgeous Pet competition, held earlier this year, is Ross, a very handsome golden retriever. Ross’s proud owner, Isabel Butcher, is PA to the Director of Science, Arthur Lindley, at the RSPCA’s headquarters in Sussex. The Science Group comprises Research Animals, Farm Animals, Wildlife and Companion Animals.

Isabel also gives secretarial and administrative assistance whenever needed to Chief Veterinary Adviser, Tim Miles, who heads the Companion Animal Department, and equine vet David McDowell, who is based in Yorkshire.

She works at her desk while Ross acts as gatekeeper and Meet and Greet Committee to those who wish to see Arthur or Tim. Her role involves various secretarial duties, but she also administers research grants, is the secretary for the RSPCA Trustees on their Scientific, Technical and Advisory Committee and does other ad hoc duties, such as organising external and internal seminars.

“Arthur, is very good to work for and gives me the responsibility for my own projects whenever feasible,” Isabel smiles. Aside from her working day, she is also studying for her HND in Business Administration and Management, having achieved a Distinction in her HNC.

“I think it’s really important to keep updated, and organisations need a motivated and skilled workforce,” Isabel says. “The RSPCA have given me study leave to do the course, although I’ve paid for it myself. I look back at how I’ve grown in the role, because I think it’s important to keep growing and learning. The course certainly has helped me at work, for example when I’m dealing with legal contracts.

Most Gorgeous Pet - Ross“Ross comes to work with me regularly and lies by my desk or “guards” the corridor. “I say “guards” because he looks as though he is asleep but as soon as he hears someone coming, he thumps his tail on the floor and looks up, waiting for acknowledgement.”

“You couldn’t work with nicer people,” Isabel says of her colleagues. The atmosphere in the RSPCA building is certainly warm and welcoming.

Of course, next Tuesday is Take Your Dog to Work Day. There were a number of dogs at work with their owners at the RSPCA. It has an office dog code of conduct for all dogs and owners to follow. Visitors can find it a bit strange to be greeted by the office dog(s), but it can make a difference.

“People find that having dogs at work reduces stress,” Isabel says. “Ross is very well behaved and doesn’t jump up. There are times when someone can have a particularly bad moment with something here, so they come over and have a cuddle with Ross.”

“At lunch time, Ross takes me for an invigorating 35 minute walk, where he can sniff flowers and have a good run,” Isabel smiles. “He loves the fuss and attention of being with people and seeing all the other dogs from different departments.”

Most Gorgeous Pet - RossRoss certainly loved his toys and treats, and we gave Isabel a book prize, too, for entering him. We left Ross devouring a chicken Bonio before settling down to a busy afternoon working on some figures with Isabel.

For more information on Take Your Dog to Work Day, visit

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