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How To Keep Your PC Running Quickly

Run these once a month to clean out system memory and fix corrupted files. To run a defrag/scandisk, go into your system tools and select the program you want to run.

Upgrade Your RAM

Upgrading your system's RAM gives you the most bang for the buck. Consult your motherboard manufacturer to ensure you purchase compatible RAM. Always try to upgrade in the same increments. (If your system has 512 MB of RAM, try to add a single 512 MB chip to ensure a smooth installation).

Format Your HD at Least Once a Year

This method of speeding up your PC is not for the faint of heart. It includes wiping your HD clean of all programs. This will require you to reinstall windows and all other device drivers. This is the best way to ensure your system remains sparkling clean, but do not attempt this unless you know what you are doing.

Overclock Your PC

Another option for the technically savvy is overclocking. Overclocking is a method of increasing your system speed by increasing the frequency at which your CPU operates. Refer to guides before trying this option.

Kill Those Viruses and Ads

Just surfing the web or opening emails can infect your system with adware, spyware, or worse yet, a virus. There are several free programs out there that scan your system for such problems, and remove them, or at least alert you to their presence. Get enough of these on your computer and they will bog your system to a crawl.
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