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Shaggy Dog Story
A Shaggy Dog Story is one of unconvincing origin, and isn't necessarily to be believed. The phrase originates with an actual shaggy dog story. They say that a wealthy gentleman, who owned a impressive residence in Park Lane, lost his much-loved shaggy dog during a walk across Hyde Park. The man was devastated, and advertised extensively in The Times for the return of his four-legged companion. A New Yorker heard the news and took pity on the owner of the lost dog. He vowed to find pet matching the description of the lost hound and deliver it to London on his next business visit. He did this but, when he presented the dog at the London mansion he was met by a po-faced butler who looked down at the dog, winced and exclaimed, "But not as shaggy as that, sir!" The story caused ripples of laughter across London's social circuit, though it wasn't completely believed by everybody.
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