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Peeping Tom
A Peeping Tom is a boy or man who tries to watch something they shouldn't – usually with sexual connotations – and doesn’t want to be caught doing so. The phrase has a great origin, back in the 11th century. During this time, Leofric, the Earl of Mercia, ruled a huge area of the country. According to legend, in 1040 he tried to impose heavy taxes on the people and there was turmoil in the streets. Leofric's charitable wife Godgifu (a name that has evolved into Godiva) sided with the people. She begged her husband to lower the taxes, but Leofric told her he would only do so after she had ridden naked through the streets of Coventry. Godiva completely surprised her husband and agreed to the challenge. Of course the people of Coventry were delighted, but to show respect they all agreed to stay indoors, close their shutters, and turn away as the lady passed. All kept their word except Tom the Tailor – he couldn't help himself and peeped out through the shutters. According to the tale, “peeping Tom” was then struck blind.
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