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How to Answer the Phone
You would think with a phone in every house writing about this would be unnecessary, but in the work place it is more then just picking up the phone and saying, “Hello”. Here are some helpful reminders for you when answering phones:
  • First, ask if your company has a preferred way to answer the phone. The company may want you to state the company’s name first, then your name. If your company has not set a preference you can choose from:
    • “Good morning, [company], [your name] speaking.”
    • “Good morning, [company], [department] [your name] speaking.”
    • “Good morning, this is [your name] speaking.”
  • For the few seconds you are on the phone with a caller, make them feel like they are the most important person to you at that moment.
  • You should try to answer the phone within three rings. If in a receptionist position, this may not always be possible but is a good goal to strive for.
  • Be friendly, calm, and polite. Speak clearly, and actively listen to the caller. Project a tone that is pleasant to the caller. Your mood will reflect in your voice.
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