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Eat Humble Pie
If you have to Eat Humble Pie you have to admit to being wrong in public, perhaps in humiliating fashion, and bee looked down upon by those once considered equal. This hierarchy was customary during medieval hunts and the following banquets. During the feast, the lord of the manor and his peers would be served the very finest cuts of venison. The offal and entrails, known at the time as “umbles”, would be baked into a pie and served to those of lower standing or out of favour. It was common for people to be humiliated by being seated at the wrong end of the table and so served “umble pie”. The phrase became popularised after appearing in the Charles Dickens novel David Copperfield. In it, the character Uriah Heep said, “I got to know what umbleness did and I took to it. I ate umble pie with an appetite”.
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